Do you want to tease your social media followers? Here's a Fake A Vacation website that uses Photoshop to take you to any location you want. You don't need to go anywhere now.
As the Instagram Stories feature grows in popularity, so does the number of apps dedicated to editing "stories". These allow users to express their creative streak and share artwork that reflects their everyday life with their followers.
Why create notes by hand when you can type them right on your smartphone or tablet? Here are the top note-taking apps that you simply must have.
With the aim of offering consumers quick, simple and comprehensible information about the nutritional composition of food, the Institute of Nutrition, the Jožef Stefan Institute and the Consumers' Association of Slovenia have jointly developed the free mobile application Veš Kaj as part of the Innovative Solutions for Informed Decisions program, which is co-financed by the Ministry of Health Ješ, which presents the nutritional profile of the selected food to the consumer in three steps in the colors of a traffic light: CHOOSE - SCAN - CHECK!
Do you also enjoy browsing Instagram and taking care of your profile? Believe me, you are not the only one. Instagram has more than 200 million users, but only a few know the applications that make editing a profile simple and effective.
Why count the calories you eat yourself when a smartphone app does the work for you? There are a whole range of apps available to help you change the way you eat.
Cooking is an art that you can enjoy every day. Despite the fact that many things in the kitchen can be solved with creativity, the help of technology is certainly not superfluous. If you want to prepare a delicious meal that looks good at the same time, it's worth relying on advanced kitchen appliances.
Flipping through the photos, you find the one in which you look good, but "him" is also in it? Don't worry, use this app to delete your ex-partner from your shared photo.
When shopping in online stores, we face the same problem every time - we can't try on the items, so it's quite possible that they won't fit us the way we want them to.
Are you curious about what you will look like in 20 years? The answer to this question can be offered by the Olay app 'Future You Simulation', which attracted a lot of attention at the CES 2019 technology fair.
You like yourself in the photo, but there are a million unnecessary elements in the background that you don't want to see. Ah, whooping cough. Open the website, which will remove all irregularities in your photo in seconds.
The world we live in encourages humanity to constantly set new milestones. On December 12, 2018, Telekom Slovenije set a new milestone in monitoring and searching for content, which enabled its users to be one of the first in the world to be able to control content accessible via television and other screens, as well as smart home devices, with their voice, right from the start. Slovenian language and in one place.