Dating apps have traditionally focused on matching individuals based on their looks. In contrast to this approach, the Waiving application works, which will find your ideal partner based on your voice.
Signal is a simple encryption tool that keeps your conversations private. This useful application covers all forms of communication, from documents to video calls.
Smartphones have become so important in our lives that we cannot imagine a day without them. Their excessive use has many negative consequences, such as reduced productivity, slower response rates, and poorer grades for students.
Everyday obligations at work and at home take their toll. Saturation with work can be eliminated with a simple trick. We download applications on our smartphone that will help us relax at least a little.
The era of selfies is firmly rooted in modern history, and maybe even our children will learn about it in schools. Considering the speed of changing trends and the progress of technology, it is possible to conclude that they will be eradicated in a decade or so. But for now, we can still enjoy them. Now that we have a phone full of them, we can use them for another fun thing or app.
Are the days of classic courtship over? We cannot say this for the whole world, but certainly different forms have displaced the good old "fishing". People now get to know each other to a large extent on social networks, and we also have many intimate conversations there. Now there is even an application available to us, with which we can first ask the person we like or want to spend the night with for sex.
The Instagram app has recently become a fixture in our daily lives. Imaginative filters, the possibility of adding stories and several photos at the same time are innovations that certainly pleased us. However, we are all the more disappointed that we still cannot add images directly from the computer desktop.
Edward Snowden, who in 2013 revealed information about US surveillance of telephone and online information in the US and abroad, is a supporter of the new Haven application, which is designed to protect against computer theft.
We immortalize the end of the year with friendly gatherings, toasts, some with more internal thinking, others again in their own way. Of course, we also have social networks, which at this time remind us and what kind of year is behind us. Facebook is the first that comes to mind, now Snapchat has joined it.
By developing new applications for all kinds of activities and entertainment, Google makes sure that we never get bored. Their research program "Appsperiments", which was inspired by Google's popular application Motion Stills, deals with discovering new (z)possibilities and potentials of mobile photography, served us with three new applications.
If we look at the desktop of the average user's smartphone, the first thing we probably see is a flood of icons that are nothing more than applications. A few social networks, some kind of game, an online newspaper and maybe sports results and the phone is already pretty full. But applications eat up data, you've probably already figured that out yourself. What if we had a kind of 'watchdog' that would prevent excessive data consumption?
This is only for iPhone X owners or those who are planning to buy one. You owners have probably already learned about all the outstanding features and functions, but also some that get on your nerves, right? Now there is an app to help you get rid of this nerve-racking problem.