Instagram is becoming Snapchat. He also introduces the possibility of sending disappearing content. In addition to the ability to send one-time photos and videos, Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, introduced another important innovation, namely the ability to broadcast live. Recently, Instagram also launched Instagram Stories and became an online store.
Google has introduced the VR version of the Google Earth application - Google Earth VR. Life is moving more and more into virtual reality. Now we won't even have to travel for a detailed tour of the sights and hidden corners of the world. All you need is a virtual reality headset that allows you to explore the world in the comfort of your own home. With the VR version of its Google Earth application, Google Earth VR, Google now allows you to go on a virtual journey anywhere in the world using only virtual reality technology. Say goodbye to packing and waiting for a flight, now you really can have the whole world in the palm of your hand. on the head, to be more precise.
Would you like to have more followers on Instagram? Expand your business idea, present your work, your products or direct users to your website? Instagram is a great platform for this kind of promotion. However, in order to make the most of Instagram's possibilities, you need the following applications.
Today, there is an app for practically every 'little thing', and why shouldn't there be a mobile app for pregnant women that lets you listen to the heartbeat of your unborn baby? The application is assisted by a cute Shell widget, and the company behind it is Bellabeat.
Urinating in a public place is prohibited and punishable, and such impudence can especially hit you in the pocket in some famous location. But not if you treat yourself to it with the VR application Pee World VR, which allows your toilet to turn into any room or the environment you imagine. Would you like to 'water' the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty or the Prešeren Monument? Now you can and without worrying about being penalized for it.
Although the initial enthusiasm for the Pokemon Go mobile game has cooled slightly, there is encouraging news for all fans. Research has shown that playing Pokemon Go prolongs life. Why and for how much, we will publish below.
Facebook has become a merchant! Namely, he 'opened' the Marketplace online market, which, like, enables the sale of used and new items between users. It will be available in Slovenia in the coming months. Do you also use Facebook as an advertisement?
Tinder, a mobile dating app, is characterized by selecting people based on swiping right or left on the screen. Now Tinder is expanding this feature to other aspects of life, not just finding a suitable partner. Can't decide which dress or shoes to choose or which movie to watch? The mobile application Tinder Stacks allows you to have friends help you, who vote for the option simply by swiping right or left across the screen.
The mobile application for ordering taxis Hopin Taxi is getting competition - Taxissimo. The application is entirely the result of Slovenian know-how, and ordering taxis with it will be possible in Ljubljana from September 30, 2016 onwards. Ordering a taxi has never been so easy!
Planning a trip has never been so easy. The new travel mobile application Google Trips can do everything for you. It's a travel assistant, guide, planner and more that has all the answers in your language, even when there's no internet connection! Now you can get lost in peace, and Google Trips will bring you home. It's perfect for those who like to travel more spontaneously and don't want to bother with thorough preparations.
Let's make your visit to Vienna easier and more beautiful with the following practical apps that are truly up to date.
The search for a partner has largely moved online or mobile devices. It is a modern way of meeting a partner, which happened mainly because of the fast way of life. It is difficult to find time to meet new people. Dating apps like Tinder help us a lot in this, which make the job a lot easier, but at the same time save us awkward moments like rejection, because we never really know if the person likes us or just hasn't (yet) reached out to us . Tinder is far from the only app that sets us up with potential partners. In the following, we therefore present to you all the best dating apps.