Apple is next to the new iPad Pro 10.5. and smart wireless speakers Apple HomePod prepared for us the new all-in-one iMac Pro computer, which the company called "the most powerful Mac of all time". At the WWDC conference, they presented a giant that will replace the unfortunately rather outdated Mac Pro line.
It's busy at Apple, and that's undoubtedly good news. They always, like practically everyone, offer improved versions of already existing devices and this time is no different. With the new iPad, they have obviously worked on the screen, as the name (10.5) suggests. We present to you the new iPad pro 10.5, which Apple presented at the WWDC conference.
The competition between the biggest manufacturers of technological devices is basically a lot of fun. Dynamic and never boring. So Apple didn't have to wait long with a new product either. At the WWCD conference in California, among other things, a wireless speaker with a digital assistant HomePod was presented.
If the nature of your work is fast-paced, dynamic and possibly running on multiple computers at the same time, then you need the best tools to keep your work running smoothly. One of these tools is definitely the Logitech MX Master 2s computer mouse.
Leica cameras can act like a time machine on us. Just looking at them takes us back half a century into the past. Half a century ago, among other things, the Woodstock music festival, the Flower Children's Festival took place, where Jim Marshall skilfully caught the performers in the photographic lens. His signature can be found on many photographs of rock stars of the time, from the Beatles and Led Zeppelin to Miles Davis. As a tribute to him, Leica decided to produce a Jim Marshall version of the M246 camera.
If you've already made a list of things you need for this summer, check it again. We have collected the best ˝gadgets˝ for the summer of 2017.
Are you the type of adventurer for whom bad weather or other difficult conditions get your blood pumping and make a hike, trip or trip even more fun? Well, if the answer is yes, we have good news for you! You got a partner in the form of a camera. The Ricoh WG-50 can handle practically everything. Let's see why.
The dust raised by the Essential Phone, which is expected to be the best smartphone ever, hasn't even settled yet, but the same manufacturer is already teasing us with a new device that is supposed to enrich our lives. Essential Home will obviously join Google Home and Amazon Echo in the digital assistant market, but its design alone is quite different from the other two. Let's see what else Essential Home will charm us with.
Why would a DSLR camera need an assistant, you ask? Actually, the device doesn't. But it will come in handy. Arsenal is the first smart wireless controller for SLR and mirrorless cameras, and it's worth getting to know it better.
The times of lying on the beach, camping, jumping into the water and other marine adventures are fast approaching. If you like to be in the water and have a bit of an exploratory spirit in you, this summer brings you the extremely fun device Biki, the world's first bionic underwater camera. Let's take a closer look!
Why turn around on your axis when filming a garden party or a view from a conquered peak when the camera can do it? And she will do it even better than you. For some time, action cameras with the ability to record 360-degree footage have been very popular. Now that Garmin has introduced the new VIRB 360, packed with many great features, they may be driving the market completely crazy.
Gone are the days of big, heavy and boxy tech devices. Obviously, the times when one device performed only one function are also becoming a thing of the past. And rightly so. Business trips or trips require too much luggage anyway, so why should your otherwise absolutely necessary gadgets take up a lot of space in your suitcase? Introducing Link, a portable drive that fits easily in your pocket.