When we hear the word Apple, we most often think of iPhone, iPad and Mac. The American technology concern impresses its followers every now and then with some other devices.
A week before the launch of the Galaxy Note 9, Samsung announced a new tablet, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S4. Can the new product of the South Korean giant stand up to the iPad?
Electric boards come in handy if we don't have kite equipment, a motor boat or meter waves. With the help of electricity, even a calm water surface can be turned into an excellent training ground for increasing adrenaline. Awake Rävik is another board that 'plows the fallow'.
After seven years of dominance by Samsung and Apple, the mobile phone market is finally changing. Do you dare to guess which brand has replaced the manufacturer of the popular iPhones in second place in terms of global market share?
Many have long been tired of ideal lives, photos and people on Instagram, so many users of this network encourage individuality, imagination and their own unfiltered life story. Insta Repeat reveals how everything on Instagram actually repeats and is the same, and the imagination is almost gone.
Melon & Lime, a young Slovenian-Croatian start-up company, represents the world's first connected yoga platform. This means that every Melon & Lime base has an NFC chip built into it, which acts as a unique key to unlock the app full of inspirational yoga videos.
Pirelli Design has put some music into tires. Not literally, but in the form of a speaker, which is a scaled-down version of the tires Pirelli uses for wind tunnel testing.
No matter what sport you play, it's likely that you'll find data on how effective your training is. With a detailed training analysis, you can help improve your results.
The wand is not only a fictional item, but the biggest Harry Potter fans will be able to use it. There will be no shortage of fun, and you'll also learn how to code. Wingardium Leviosa!
Life is sometimes boring. In moments when you run out of ideas for what to do, a pointless game that is just for fun will come in handy.
Long-haul flights can be quite exhausting. Screaming children, unfriendly staff and uncomfortable seats contribute to the fact that you are just impatiently waiting for landing. You can make sure that the flight goes by faster yourself.
Fujifilm is one of the world's largest photography companies. It is for this reason that every new product it launches is worth trying. This time, the new camera from the X series is in the spotlight.