Not that 2017 is already coming to an end, but we can still draw the line at some things. For smartphones, 2017 has been quite an eventful year so far, colored by many novelties, astonishing innovations and the struggle for users. But the year isn't over yet, as there are likely to be some great smartphones on the way, such as the Google Pixel 2 and Huawei Mate 10. Are you up for a look at what Apple, LG, Samsung and others have prepared for us so far? This is a selection of the best smartphones of 2017.
We know drones are on the rise. Perhaps even bigger than electric cars. It's only a matter of time before they take our children to school or bring us food from the grocery store. What if you had another one right at home? Such, in the form of a digital assistant? Looks like we're getting one soon too.
We asked the young people who are part of the millennial generation what it is that defines Generation Y. And they quickly found out that image among brands ranks extremely high among young people. One of the major roles is played by the brand of the phone. Experts mention adaptability, innovation, efficiency, disconnection and skepticism, resilience and persistence, tolerance and expressiveness as the main characteristics of the millennial generation. That's also why we found a phone that fits just that.
On a ski slope, on a bike, on a water board, in a car, on a horse, and we don't know where else. Guess what we're listing? Places where people use the GoPro camera. Have any of you ever thought, when you saw someone wearing this device on top of their head, that maybe the whole thing could be packaged a little nicer? Well, if you haven't, Ubiquiti certainly has. They've made their own version of an action camera that looks downright fantastic.
There are two ways to listen to music. The first is with speakers, the second with headphones. The first method does not isolate you from the surroundings, the second one offers you intimacy, but it "turns off" the world around you. But what if there is something in between? Something that combines both modes? Actually there is. It originated elsewhere than at Bose.
What if you could connect the screen from the cinema right over your eyes, sit comfortably on the armchair at home and "immerse yourself" in your favorite movie? With popcorn in your lap and a drink on the side, the evening can begin. And all this thanks to Cinera, the first virtual glasses for home cinema.
October 4 will be a day for Google! At that time, quite a few new products will be presented at the American technology giant in San Francisco. Most expect a fresh wind in the field of telephony, but it seems that it will not only be about smartphones. They will also introduce the Google Home Mini, a small version of their digital assistant. We present only a few details, because apparently the rumors got the young people.
Many people are perfectly happy playing music from their smartphones. They don't mind interruptions caused by calls, reminders, and app notifications. Maybe listening to music doesn't mean so much to them that it would make them feel bad. Then there are those who find it annoying. They don't want any kind of interruption while their eardrums are being caressed by music, as it is a special pleasure for them. And this is where Sony's new "walkman" comes into play.
Xiaomi, the company best known for its pocket-friendly phones, also tackled the notebook market some time ago, and today they present to us the Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro, which follows last year's Mi Notebook Air.
Less than a decade ago, Polaroid was threatened with extinction. These iconic cameras could not compete with increasingly powerful smartphones, which promised a renaissance in the field of photography as well. But fortunately, it turned out differently, because a group of enthusiastic photographers and businessmen saved the company, and now, after nine years, they offer us a new old OneStep 2 camera.
The dust hasn't settled yet from Apple's Keynote event, where, among other things, they presented the new iPhone X, and already... well, the dust is rising again. Well, that's what these events actually are. Wondering what we're talking about? About the designers who took care of the funniest, bizarre, we can't find a better term, version of the iPhone X!
Xiaomi is probably the only company that dares to send its best smartphone Mi Mix 2 to the market just one day before Apple's "historic" event. The announcement of the new iPhone. It all has something to do with self-confidence. And not without reason.