After Apple hit the nail on the head with the rose-gold color and the rose-gold iPhone 6 and 6 Plus became a real sales hit among the fairer sex, Samsung has now dressed its flagship phones Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge in the same shade. We leave it up to you to decide which color suits you better, or Apple's or Samsung's flagship, while the hardware specifications, no matter how you turn them around, speak in favor of the Galaxy.
Is this the computer of the future? In the near future, computers as we know them will only find a place in museums, antique shops and collectors. The Magic Leap company demonstrated what a computer of the future will look like, which no longer needs a physical screen and case. Virtual reality glasses will be enough and you will have the world in the palm of your hand.
iPad laptops, MacBook is back. It's been more than a year since the launch of the new series, which is an eternity in tech years, so it's about time Apple injects the MacBook with some botox and adrenaline. Is the 2016 model really that much better than last year's much-vaunted model? Find out below.
Boomerang appeared on Kickstarter almost three years ago, Xvida's magnetic holder and stand for the iPad, which allows you to easily attach the phone to various surfaces. The Slovenian company is now returning to the scene of the crime with an attachment that enables extremely fast wireless charging of Phone 6/6S, iPhone 6/6S Plus and all other phones that support the Qi wireless charging standard.
While phones have grown like teenagers in recent years (growth has slowed down a bit lately), Chinese brand Posh Mobile has gone in the opposite direction and launched the world's smallest smartphone – the Posh Mobile Micro X S240, a compact phone that's no bigger from a credit card!
Dog and selfie lovers, beware! We have the perfect dog accessory for you: The Posting Tail. A special dog vest that allows the furry four-legged friend to take pictures of himself and post photos on Facebook. The innovation is the work of the Spanish Pedigree and the Saatchi & Saatchi agency.
Retro designs, especially those from the 80s, have been very popular in recent years, and Motorola turned to one of the legends of the 80s to boost the sales of its smartphones. They connected with the legendary graffiti artist Futuro, one of the most respected graffiti artists of all time, who gained eternal fame in the days when he was still in his infancy. Together, they have prepared a limited series of Moto X Style smartphones called Moto X Pure.
Ink Hunter is an app that allows you to preview a tattoo on your skin. As we know, the decision is not easy for a thief. Many people hesitate because it is a permanent, life-long decision, and the thief is our faithful companion until the end of life. Therefore, before making the final decision, it is good to know what we are getting into and how the motif will actually look on our skin, so that we are not in for an unpleasant surprise. Ink Hunter prevents this from happening, as the app allows you to try on different tattoos, like you would try on clothes in a dressing room, and thus find the one that will look best on your skin.
The iPhone 7s will be the first joint child of Apple and Samsung. Yes, you read that right! What seemed impossible yesterday is a reality today. Apple jumped into bed with Samsung, its mortal enemy. No, it's not an April Fool's joke like the one about the iGalaxy. It is true that the cooperation will not be so close, but it is nevertheless a tectonic or better, a billion-dollar shift in the relations between the Korean and American brands.
Apple bowed to pressure and sought to silence rumors of a self-destructing chip by revealing the iPhone's life expectancy. Let us remind you that years ago Apple had to offer a two-year warranty instead of a one-year warranty due to European legislation (previously this was offered only with additional payment - AppleCare), but this did not silence the insinuations. So what is the life expectancy of an iPhone as claimed by Apple?
A classic mirror returns only a reflection. Naked, in addition to your reflection, gives you back much more. It is also a body scanner that visualizes the body and thus monitors what happens to it over time, and also measures things that are not visible to the naked eye. It communicates the information through a dedicated app, allowing you to monitor not only your weight and figure, but also muscle and fat mass.
First-person shooter video games are one of the most popular genres of computer games, so choosing the best first-person shooters of all time was certainly not easy. Some of the ones on the list you will remember from your early youth, when the toy industry was still in its infancy, while others are more recent and we still "stuff" them today.