Headphone tangling, the bane of every mobile phone and portable music player user. Whenever we put headphones in a pocket or other confined space, the inevitable happens. Cables get tangled, sometimes more like a Game of Thrones storyline. Until you order Slovenian Twistear headphones, headphones that do not get tangled, we present you a way to prevent tangling during storage or transferring.
The SubPac M2 is a sound system in the form of a backpack that offers a whole new dimension of the sound experience, as it transmits the effects of music directly to the body, thus allowing you to feel the music on a physical level, not just on a frequency level.
No, this is not the trailer for the Hitman movie, which we were able to see in theaters under the name Hitman: Agent 47 recently, but the trailer for the popular Hitman video game, the sixth installment, which hits the shelves on March 11, 2016.
The Virtuali-Tee is a t-shirt that provides a virtual insight into the human body and is probably the best teaching aid for learning human anatomy. In combination with a mobile application on a smartphone or tablet, it enables teleportation inside the human body. You can order the shirt on Kickstarter, where a team called Curiscope is raising funds to complete development.
Google now automatically recognizes the place in the photo! Google introduced an advanced system that allows it to find out where the selected photo was taken. Now you no longer need geotagging or geotagging a photo so Google can locate it. He does this with the PlaNet computer neural network, which searches through more than 90 million photos with known coordinates, finds the best pair and determines the location based on that. It is a learning process, which means that Google is continuously learning and adding to its knowledge (read: filling the database).
Foxconn is a Chinese factory that manufactures iPhone smartphones. In your opinion, what is the cost of manufacturing one iPhone, which you can buy in Slovenia for at least 649 euros, without any restrictions? How much do you think their employees are paid per hour? 10, maybe 5 euros per hour? Not even close!
Are you wondering why you should clean your headphones from time to time and what are the simplest and most effective ways to do it? If you use your headphones every day and carry them around in your bag, you should consider cleaning them. Bacteria are also transmitted through them, especially if you share them with someone, and in the worst case, they can also cause an ear infection. So what's the best way to clean your headphones?
Bluejay (blue jay) is basically a bird, and in this case we are talking about a smart car holder for the phone, the first of its kind, which is also a driver's assistant. The innovative phone holder in the car is also the result of Slovenian know-how. More precisely, the New Zealand company The Kiwi Factory is behind it. A smart holder that improves the driving experience is currently being presented on Kickstarter, where you can order it for as little as 70 euros.
Although the view of the office desk today is completely different from that of 20 or 30 years ago and technology is advancing at the speed of light, some of the office equipment and technology that took root in the 1970s are still used today. Guess which ones?
Boston Dynamics, a company owned by Google, released a video of a new, improved version of the humanoid robot Atlas, which amazes with its capabilities. He is able to open doors, pick up objects, walk on snow and pick himself up from the ground after a fall. Is humanity doomed? Is Judgment Day Coming?
The iPhone has many hidden features that you probably don't know yet. Features like head control, creating your own vibrate and word shortcuts. If you want to know the iPhone like the back of your hand, don't stop reading.
Are you a Game of Thrones fan? In George RR Martin's novel A Clash of Kings, four (Joffrey, Stannis, Renley and Robb Stark) claim their right to the throne. You can now decide who it is with a game of cards. The game of thrones can now be played with rummy cards, because the entire set (52 cards) is equipped with characters from the famous series.