QWERTZ is an arrangement of keys on the keyboard, which has been considered a standard in the world for 140 years. But this type of layout was designed and optimized for typewriters. And while everything around it was changing drastically (screens, computers, phones), the keyboard stuck to its arrangement like a drunkard. At Swiss icoaching, they were convinced that there was a better solution, a keyboard that would answer the challenges of the time, that is, above all, easier typing on the touch screen on smartphones. They wanted to make a keyboard for fast, error-free typing. And Wrio was born, an on-screen keyboard with a honeycomb letter layout.
Ecological awareness can be expressed in different ways. We can separate, use alternative means of transport, save water, or otherwise leave as little carbon footprint as possible. The Slovenian quartet from the green company ECOmp offers an environmental approach through wooden peripheral devices, such as a keyboard and mouse made of bamboo, which in most cases come wrapped in plastic, one of the main pollutants.
The wildly popular photo and video sharing app Snapchat has received an upgrade that is likely to boost its popularity even further. The latest version, which is available for iOS and Android devices, offers a set of tools for selfies (special effects), especially the first in-app purchase (purchase within the application), and Snapchat is also starting to award "ranks".
Dott is a smart dog pendant with which your dog will never really get lost. Did you know that over 10 million pets are lost every year, that everyone gets lost at least once in their life and that only 10 percent of them are found. That's why it's high time to replace your dog's usual dog pendant that hangs on the dog's collar with the smart Dott pendant. At the same time, this is a Bluetooth tracker with which you always know where your dog is.
Fans of the StarCraft franchise are already eagerly anticipating November 10, 2015, when the final chapter of the military sci-fi real-time strategy video game StarCraft II hits shelves, where we'll wave goodbye to many iconic characters. With the addition of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, the chapter of the trilogy closes, and it was accompanied by a phenomenal trailer, which will make it easier for you to wait for November.
Offices used to be an uninspiring place where we went to work. For many people today, the office is the place where they have an Internet connection. Work Hard Anywhere is a simple application that allows you to find such a workspace. It knows more than 2,500 locations in 57 countries, so there is a high probability that such a public place is also near you. Each of them is evaluated by the users, and the evaluation criteria are the speed and reliability of the Wi-Fi connection, access to the electrical connection, the volume of the surroundings, the possibility of parking, price, food, etc.
Take off all the fluff from your smartphone and you have a phone in "Eve's costume". Display and control panel. That's actually all you need. And that's exactly what the Luna Phone is, a minimalist-looking phone by Spanish technical engineer Jorge Arbela Cabrera, who specializes in industrial and product design, a concept that takes the mobile phone back to its roots in extraordinary style.
YoYo Mats - a unique yoga mat that folds up on its own like the popular '90s wristbands - are one of the freshest ideas gaining traction on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform these days. See how the interesting base works and forget once and for all the frustration of rolling up annoying training bases...
You're just going out, you're in a hurry, you grab your phone, but its red light is flashing. Dead battery again! A situation that is all too familiar. The phone usually lets us down just when we need it the most. Five minutes of charging will not help you much, as you will only have 1 percent more battery capacity. Charge the Power Practical Proto 12 Portable Charger for those same 300 seconds and you'll have enough power to top up your phone on the go. Give it a watch, and you'll be able to charge up to nine times without electricity on the way.
Walking home alone, especially at night, can be a very unpleasant and dangerous experience, especially for women. In order to feel safer on the way home, students Danny Freed, Jake Wayne, Lexie Ernst and Katie Reiner developed the Companion App, which allows friends and family members to accompany us on the way home via their mobile phones.
Good things come to those who wait. For almost a decade, we Facebook users have been waiting to be able to express our disagreement or disapproval with a single click. At our insistence, Mark Zuckerberg has now only announced the imminent arrival of the Dislike button, which will almost certainly bear a different name, as the founder of this social network says that he will not offer it as a weapon for criticism, but for an expression of empathy. No more weird moments when we like tragic news, then.
With all the amazing things a bike-friendly city has to offer, sometimes the hardest part is finding your bike, drowning somewhere in the sea of other bikes. FROLIC Studio wants to solve this problem, so they created the Pingbell bike bell that helps us find our bike. A completely normal bell at first glance, it hides some smart technology that helps in locating the bike. Pingbell is currently raising funds on Kickstarter.