Make sure you're well-equipped for all your photographic endeavors, so explore Canon's latest Summer Cashback 2015 promotional offer. Canon is giving you up to €250 cashback on selected photography equipment, including cameras, lenses, flashes and printers!
By now, we've kind of gotten used to the shape of drones, which, frankly, isn't the most practical. It is a rather concrete and cumbersome piece. Well, the Sprite drone defies design standards and has chosen its own unorthodox shape. Instead of width, it has grown in height and acts like a slightly larger battery and some kind of mutated insect. You can pre-order it on Kickstarter and expect it as early as July 2015.
Already know what you're going to do with your smartphone today? We have some helpful suggestions, or rather, the five best apps to boost our brains - everything from learning a language to improving our concentration. Here are the top five apps that boost our mental abilities.
Facebook and smartphone have become like ass and shirt. More and more users use the most popular social network on the go, through a dedicated application. But Facebook is a greedy business, and not everyone has the most powerful smartphone. And since low-cost devices have recently flooded the market, Facebook is now meeting these users with a "diet" version of the mobile application that does not require such a fast Internet connection and powerful hardware.
We are too. With the approaching summer holidays, abroad is calling! Do you already have a travel list? Complete it with the ORTO TRIPSTER package and use data transfer abroad without any worries!
The ASUS Pen Stick is a miniature computer that could easily be mistaken for a USB memory stick. But it is much more than that. It is a powerful pocket PC that even the latest Windows 10 operating system presents no problems. Its "means of communication" for connecting to an external device is the HDMI interface, and dealers will part with it from autumn 2015 onwards for a calculated price of 135 euros.
The question of where SanDisk put 128 GB of space in its new Ultra Fit USB flash drive is similar to the "rhetorical" question from the anecdote about the four elephants and Fičot. Two in the front and two in the back. Although it seems physically impossible, SanDisk has managed to create a USB stick that is only slightly larger than a USB connector. And since cloud storage hasn't killed the need to store on a USB memory stick, SanDisk's Ultra Fit 3.0 will win you over.
Today, everything revolves around batteries. But we are mainly talking about those lithium-ion ones that keep smart mobile devices alive. Despite this, there are still many devices around us that are powered by classic disposable alkaline batteries. A television remote control is just one example. And since we know how fed up you are, because you have to change them from time to time, the Batteriser case will also come in handy, which extends the life of the battery by as much as 800%!
Great news for all those who love the post-apocalyptic Fallout series. A trailer for the new, fourth sequel, which has the working title Fallout 4, has landed online. The game has once again been signed by the Bethesda company, which will reveal the official title at the E3 computer game industry fair.
Just as every serious photographer knows that an additional battery is a mandatory part of the equipment, the smartphone user is also increasingly aware that the battery is the Achilles' heel of modern mobile phones. That's why the Chinese Gionee put not one but two in their Gionee M5 smartphone. This should contribute not only to a longer autonomy of the mobile phone (up to 4 days) but also to a longer battery life.
Whether it's the bustle of the street, the sound of trains, or just normal, everyday noise, there are many moments when you'd rather stick earplugs in your ears. But the Here headphones go one step further. These wireless headphones have a built-in DPS processor (Digital Signal Processing) and therefore the ability to digitally process the audio signal. This gives us control over the sound at the level of signals and frequencies and over the volume, and we personalize it with the associated application, as we would do in a recording studio.
It started with Lego bricks, then we built computers, now, after smartphones, we will build watches. At the Computex 2015 fair in Taipei, the Qualcomm company released a study of the Blocks modular smart watch, which was created in collaboration with the jewelry brand Tateossian. This allows complete freedom to choose functions and other features that we will choose through modules that will serve as part of the strap.