If you are a lover of classics and nostalgia, then you will definitely like this product very much. However, the creators of the Bolex D16 Cinema Camera have found a way to combine the feeling of analog with excellent digital technology.
A cube is not the object we think of when we talk about motion. However, Cubli is exactly that - a cube that moves on its own alongside a host of other surprising talents. It was designed at the Institute for Dynamical Systems and Control, ETH Zurich in Switzerland.
Two recent online incidents testify to the importance of good password protection. Make sure you are not one of the users with (too) bad password protection.
The latest ad brought to winter homes by the tech giant is imbued with the essence of the Christmas holidays. Family warmth, children's joy and sincere love warm the heart, and bring a tear or two to the most tender ones.
Smartphones have almost become our right hand in everyday life. And if something happens to them (knock on wood three times), it's already a minor drama. Honda has therefore created an airbag frame that completely protects our beloved devices even in the worst falls.
We also got the Smarty Ring, which will alert us to calls, messages and other functions of the phone, without which we simply cannot live anymore.
Sticko is a project that appeared on Kickstarter and has already exceeded the goal of the desired funds. A concept that uses the power of suction cups to attach any of your devices to a smooth surface. Simple and small, consisting of four suction cups - two in the front and two in the back.
In the days when winter is knocking on the door and we are waiting for the first snowflakes, such products definitely deserve our attention. Fimbulvetr snow crampons are a high-tech product for all those who love unspoilt nature and winter hikes. On fresh and untrodden snow.
The extraordinary success of the iPhone, which changed the landscape of mobile devices, is not a coincidence, but a careful planning and imitation of things we already knew in the past. How the iPhone was successfully copied and adapted and how it affected the world of mobile technology in the excellent micro-documentary "Everything Is a Remix".
Starting today, Telekom Slovenije starts selling the iPhone 5s, the most future-oriented smartphone in the world, and the iPhone 5c, the most colorful iPhone ever, in all 19 Telekom centers in Slovenia.
The inspiration of classic aesthetics combined with modern technology. Gramovox is the first turntable powered by Bluetooth technology.
In the flood of smart phones, TVs, watches and many other "educated" devices, we wonder why not also think of a "smart toothbrush". The Phillips SoniCare FlexCare electric toothbrush represents advanced cleaning of teeth and gums.