The long-awaited Apple event, however, took place without any major upheavals, as rumors about new devices predicted practically everything. Also the gold color, which is now the third choice, next to white and black.
The refrigerator manufacturer, Siemens, is determined that you will no longer need to store meat products and vegetables in plastic bags and then put them in the freezer.
Xperia Tablet Z is a premium 10.1'' (25.7-cm) LTE Android tablet. It is made of quality materials and boasts the same stunning OmniBalance design as its Xperia Z smartphone sibling.
Movement, spontaneity, experiences are also an indispensable part of summer... The small and portable Jambox speakers are a reflection of all the above elements, while at the same time they play extremely high-quality sound.
The range of mobile devices with a larger screen, but not yet crossing the line between phone and tablet, is bigger this summer. The new LG device has been extremely well received by bloggers and pre-users both because of its technological innovations and its aesthetic appearance and feel in the hands. What impresses the most about the device: ...
Pred nekaj več kot enim letom predstavljeni HP ProBook 4720s je z modelom 4730s dobil več kot dostojnega naslednika. 17,3"-palčni zaslon z LED-osvetlitvijo, 750 GB velik trdi disk s hitrostjo 5400 obratov na minuto, procesor Intel Core i5 (2430M), 4 GB pomnilnika DDR3 in AMD Radeon HD 7470M 1 GB grafična kartica, so ...
LG Optimus with 4-core NVIDIA Tegra 3 processor is the only 4-PLUS-1 mobile processor in the world that enables high multimedia capabilities. It also has a separate battery-saving core that performs less demanding tasks in standby mode (such as playing ...
A laser point does not give a smart impression, even if it is supported by a smart presentation, but we can work smartly and efficiently, namely with an iPhone (iPod/Pad) and a laser pointer in hand and a good presentation on the screen. Otherwise, the Smart Dot plugs into a 3.5mm plug for...
Poletje je tukaj in nepozabna doživetja so pred vrati. Poskrbimo, da bodo takšna tudi ostala. Vsestranski fotoaparat COOLPIX L310 nam daje svobodo za zajem življenja z vseh razdalj. S pomočjo zmogljivega objektiva NIKKOR z 21-kratnim optičnim zoomom lahko snemamo izjemne panorame in oddaljeno dogajanje. Ne ...
Toshl is no longer a new thing, even less is the fresh idea of monitoring and managing one's (and family's) budget, which is why the implementation of the application with two dashes of innovation and a touch of mischievousness is all the more fortunate, which, placed in today's time of general belt-tightening, ...
Pozabimo Kinect, Wii in podobne »gibalne« naprave. Leap Motion je prihodnost. S tem senzorjem gibanja lahko upravljamo osebni računalnik dobesedno na daljavo, zgolj z gibi rok ali pa se lastnoročno podpisujemo na dokumente, po zraku seveda, ali pa približujemo, oddaljujemo, premikamo predmete na ...