Samsung may not have been 100 years ahead of its time like Nikola Tesla, but three years in digital years is practically the equivalent. When Samsung launched its "flashy" Galaxy Note phone in 2011, it was the target of ridicule from Apple because of its large "pumpkin". Now that the latter has done the unheard of and trampled on Steven Jobs' vision, offering a (too big) 5.5-inch screen, Samsung has decided to strike back. In a sarcastic way.
Smart phones
The dust surrounding Apple's event of the week and even probably the year is slowly settling and it's time to look at the best Android alternatives. These have the same capabilities as the new iPhone (if not greater). Apple is not for everyone's taste.
Apple presented the new generation of iPhone to the media yesterday evening shortly after 7:00 p.m. This time with the number 6, which brings double joy in two dimensionally different products. The iPhone 6 now has a bigger brother, the iPhone 6 plus. And a completely standalone Apple Watch smartwatch.