In autumn, nature shows its beauty in endless shades of warm colors for the last time before winter rest. The explosion of autumn colors is also followed by the organizers of cultural events in Germany, who offer even more cultural events in the increasingly short days.
There is a city…built in the wilderness. Philip II. he chose this city only because it is located in the geographical center of Spain - These are the thoughts of the writer Gerald Brenan, who in the book Face of Spain already in 1950 described the Spanish capital as a creation that is an end in itself and is devoid of soul and style.
Today, on the way to the former Checkpoint Charlie, tourists look at shop windows with big names such as Gucci, Prada, Escada and Hugo Boss. The reality that many of us lived with until a few decades ago, today mainly entertains teenagers and nostalgics in Berlin's museums.
The people of Ljubljana are already used to cycling around the city. Even if we don't have our own bike, we can borrow one from the Bicike(lj) system set. If we have no idea what to do during the day, we can also go on a guided cycling trip with Watermelon Ljubljana by Bike.
The coast from the sea perspective offers a completely new aspect. Even if most people think they know the Adriatic well, a look from another angle hides, discovers and reveals a lot of new and unexpected things. Among the best means of travel for an adventure along the Adriatic is definitely a sailing boat.
Before planning trips and vacations, parents are faced with a challenge: to take their children to the sea and watch them playing in the water out of the corner of their eye, or to take them on a trip from one theme park to another, which will be enriched with plenty of fries and sweet foam.

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