Zeus is Cretan. And he knows everything. Also where are the best restaurants. Oh sorry, Zeus is the nickname of the number one foodie in the village of Kastelli. And Zeus, the chief among the gods, was born in Crete.
A lot is known about the Basques on the Spanish side of the border, but few of us visit the places in Aquitaine, on the French side, which are just as proud, full of history, and because of their natural features, also attractive to the young and active.
The Western Balkans are connected politically, economically and culturally, and are also connected by a beautiful long coastline, the largest part of which belongs to Greece and Croatia, where the Adriatic Sea is the most beautiful, and Greece boasts the pearls of the Ionian Sea.
When you walk around the city, you get the feeling that you are part of a unique culture and unrepeatable history at every step. Powerful squares such as Place de la Concorde, Place de la Republique, Place de la Bastille, parks and promenades Champ de Mars with the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, ....
Endless road, bleached asphalt, wilderness, wind in the hair and freedom - all these are road trips, aimless wanderings on the roads. This time we are going to different parts of the world in search of the most famous, famous, interesting and panoramic ones.
Who among us hasn't thought at least once while planning a vacation, how nice it would be to lie on the sandy beaches of the Caribbean? Each of us has already heard of the dreamy Caribbean, of the small islands between which luxury cruise ships transport passengers...
Although we talk about Portugal and its capital lately mainly when we mention the economic crisis, Lisbon is the westernmost capital city on the European continent. Despite the financial problems, the charming city is worth visiting, because Lisbon is one of the three oldest capitals of Europe, along with Athens and Rome, it was...
In the last two decades, Beijing has become the urban laboratory of a country in transition, oscillating between the free market and party monopoly, between the planned economy, corruption and globalization. Although in the desire to modernize as soon as possible in the "northern capital", as the name of the Chinese capital can be translated, in ...
Alexandre Dumas, who knew Marseilles well and set the scene of his most famous novel The Count of Monte Cristo in the city, described it as a place where the whole world was having fun. The Mediterranean port city with a long maritime tradition has become synonymous with the French melting pot with its 26 centuries of history. ...

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