There are parts of the world where every morning is like a fairy tale. There, instead of a loud alarm clock, we are woken up by the chirping of birds, and instead of cold gray fog, we are caressed by the warm rays of the sun in the morning. There is peace everywhere and everywhere we look we are filled with green color in different shades.
As we approach the lively student town, the new Prince Filip bridge spans across the Tormes river in front of us, inviting us seductively into the city. But we suggest continuing the route to the Roman bridge. Next to it, the old Romanesque and the new Gothic cathedral rise towards the sky.
Even during the time of General Franco in the 1960s, artists, and especially people with a different opinion, sought refuge in Ibiza, which was just far enough from the mainland to live freely and in peace. With the beginning of the flower-power revolution and the arrival of the hippies, the island turned into something that no one expected.
This time the route takes us from Ljubljana to Škofja Loka and further towards Poljanska dolina. After about nine kilometers from Škofja Loka, we reach the village of Log. There, the road branches off to the left through Poljanska Sora to the village of Visoko, where the Kalanova homestead stands, which the writer Ivan Tavčar converted into his mansion.
Let's go to the land of storks, where the locals call them "storks" - to Prekmurje, the land of plains and tall chimneys, the land of inspiration and friendly people. It measures as much as 974 km², and is divided into hilly Gorička, flat Dolinska and Ravenska, and the western part of the wine-producing Lendavske gorice.
The heart of Mostar is the famous stone fortress built in the 16th century by Sultan Sulejman the Magnificent. Legend has it that its designer, Mimar Hajrudin, a student of Sinan, a famous architect of the Ottoman era, fled the city the day before it was finished, fearing that the bridge would collapse.
Let's start in reverse order. First, for breakfast, we treat ourselves to homemade marmalade on fresh crusty bread and for a moment catch the bliss of the sinful flavors that mix in our mouths. Then just on the way, along the Styrian highway, straight to Maribor, where many surprises await us.
This time we drive towards Maribor and at the Tepanje toll booth turn for Slovenske Konjice. We are located in the Dravinjska dolina and let's continue driving along the well-marked road to Žič and further towards Špitalič, where the valley of Sv. Janeza narrows well and a view of the Žička Carthusian opens up in front of us.
Today, the Netherlands is famous for its openness, liberal principles and tolerance. With 16 million inhabitants in 41,500 square kilometers of territory, it is considered one of the most densely populated countries in the world and has the highest number of bicycles in relation to the number of inhabitants.
Well, let's get started! Let's head towards Grosuplje and then turn for Turjak, which is known for the castle located there. The special features of the castle are the round tower or bastion and the Renaissance defensive corridor in the shape of a triangle, which is one of the first of its kind in all of Central Europe.

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