People, cars and what drives them - this is the slogan of Germany's Autostadt, a theme park that attracts people who love cars, culture and unique events.
The people of Ljubljana are already used to cycling around the city. Even if we don't have our own bike, we can borrow one from the Bicike(lj) system set. If we have no idea what to do during the day, we can also go on a guided cycling trip with Watermelon Ljubljana by Bike.
Last year, Vadim Sahakian and Artia Moghbel, friends from high school, made a decision that few would have made otherwise. They left their jobs and went on a journey.
The coast from the sea perspective offers a completely new aspect. Even if most people think they know the Adriatic well, a look from another angle hides, discovers and reveals a lot of new and unexpected things. Among the best means of travel for an adventure along the Adriatic is definitely a sailing boat.
Before planning trips and vacations, parents are faced with a challenge: to take their children to the sea and watch them playing in the water out of the corner of their eye, or to take them on a trip from one theme park to another, which will be enriched with plenty of fries and sweet foam.
Summer is slowly saying goodbye and those of us who haven't had a vacation this year are looking towards the southern places. Greece is an ideal destination in the first autumn days. Mykonos Grand Hotel is probably my first choice.
Rio de Janeiro is probably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with a wonderful beach and people who simply enjoy life.
Treat yourself to an active and fun vacation and set sail with us on unforgettable adventures along the way! For 285 euros you will catch the last breaths of summer in Kornati. We will sail with modern sailboats! The number of places is limited.
Zeus is Cretan. And he knows everything. Also where are the best restaurants. Oh sorry, Zeus is the nickname of the number one foodie in the village of Kastelli. And Zeus, the chief among the gods, was born in Crete.
A lot is known about the Basques on the Spanish side of the border, but few of us visit the places in Aquitaine, on the French side, which are just as proud, full of history, and because of their natural features, also attractive to the young and active.
The Western Balkans are connected politically, economically and culturally, and are also connected by a beautiful long coastline, the largest part of which belongs to Greece and Croatia, where the Adriatic Sea is the most beautiful, and Greece boasts the pearls of the Ionian Sea.
When you walk around the city, you get the feeling that you are part of a unique culture and unrepeatable history at every step. Powerful squares such as Place de la Concorde, Place de la Republique, Place de la Bastille, parks and promenades Champ de Mars with the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, ....