While we can't escape or completely eliminate anxiety, we can create a more peaceful life with natural anxiety relievers. Plant-based essential oils, free of nasty synthetic chemicals, are relatively cheap and readily available, and they help calm a stressed nervous system.
If you have curly hair, you're well aware that it doesn't come with an instruction manual. And so it was designed by people who tried many methods until they came up with the Curly Girl Method or CGM for short. And as someone who follows this method, I can tell you that CGM really changes your hair. For the better, of course! Read why.
Just as the right lipstick transforms your lips into something divine, the right haircut will give your hair volume and density that it normally lacks.
SugaringAVOCADO is a new revolutionary hair removal product developed and made in Slovenia.
Social networks have become a meeting point for sharing and discovering ideas and tricks that make our everyday lives easier. On them, we can also find many make-up trends and skin care tips. The TikTok social network with the keyword #skincare is breaking viewership records month after month, namely more and more beauty enthusiasts are looking for tips that really work.
Do you have wavy hair and looking for a makeover?
Balayage, strands, ombré have received strong competition in the shatush technique.
Summer is just around the corner, and so are our desires for tanned skin. Everything is fine and dandy until there are unpleasant burns and colored spots on the skin. In winter, our skin is extra dried out and there are many people who do not give their skin any attention, and this can also be reflected in the sun in summer. Moisturized skin has a better chance of getting an even tan than dry skin. Time is running out, so check what you can do "last minute" for your skin and beautiful complexion.
Which female face is the most attractive in the world? Is beauty really only about the outside? And what does science say about this - according to their views, which woman is the most beautiful?
Springtime is the ideal moment to reawaken physically, change your diet and detoxify your body.
Wearing intense colors brings a smile to your face. Whether it's clothes or a beauty routine, colors definitely can't leave us indifferent.
In order to shape your body and be fit and in shape by summer, you must also train your motivation and self-discipline. Make exercise a habit, not a duty. When you notice that your body is changing, your motivation will increase day by day. Here are great exercises to strengthen your butt and legs and sculpt them into enviable curves.