Why should we drink warm drinks in the summer and not cold ones to cool off? It's sweltering hot outside (after all, it's summer!), which means we'll most likely be treating ourselves to an ice-cold drink. We've got a hot tip for you to take into account the next time it's a hot dog day, so you can breathe easier. Do not resort to chilled drinks, but rather reach for warm or hot drinks. Why? Find out below.
We don't want to sound cheesy, but do you protect yourself well from the sun during the summer? Arms, shoulders, tops of ears burnt from the sun... Sound familiar? Sunscreenr is here - a gadget to help protect you from skin cancer!
How to wake up with a neat hairstyle? Every woman wants to wake up with the perfect hairstyle, but only a few are lucky enough to get out of bed with a hairstyle that they can go out with right away. But you too can wake up with hair like the models on the catwalks, you just need to know a few tricks that will save you a lot of time in the morning.
How to hide cellulite? The fight against cellulite is a never-ending battle. So why fight windmills when you can be smarter and cover it with simple tricks. Some also work on the beach! Check out 7 simple ways to visually hide the fact that we have cellulite.
The gap between the thighs, the "thigh gap" (the thighs do not touch when the feet touch), the bikini bridge, the "bikini bridge" (the space between the bikini and the lower part of the abdomen, which is created when we lie on our backs), and now the abdominal channel or the "ab crack". Bizarre, and above all, unhealthy beauty trends that no one wants to catch seem to be mushrooming. Just as the distance between the legs is mainly an anatomical feature and not a sign of vitality and health, the abdominal cavity is also an unrealistic beauty trend that we should ignore.
How to remove stubborn makeup stains from clothes? Learn about simple tricks that will help you get rid of make-up stains such as lipstick, powder, nail polish, eye shadow and mascara that have accidentally ended up on a dress or any other fabric, such as bedding. All you need are a few supplies you already have at home.
How to relieve sunburn? Despite constant warnings, some people still overexpose themselves to the sun and don't apply enough sunscreen. The consequences are burns on the skin, which no one wants. If you are one of those unfortunates who have suffered, we offer you tips on how to mitigate them, quickly and effectively. Just the way you like it.
Are you interested in how we will wear makeup in the future? Get ahead of the trends and do your makeup today as if you were living in the year 2110!
Just as every chef should have a kitchen apron, every bearded man should have a Beard Bib, a beard bib that prevents shaving or trimming stubble from getting everywhere and saves you from having to clean up after grooming your facial hair half of the bathroom. An innovation that every woman should buy for her man!
We used to associate tattoos with bad people, gangs and even crooks. Usually people we were slightly afraid of had them. This is far from the case today. People of different lifestyles and body types have tattoos. Tattooing trends have been moving away from traditional large and extremely colorful tattoos for quite some time, which are being replaced by, among other things, small or miniature tattoos, which are much more unobtrusive, but fulfill their aesthetic task just as well, if not better. We searched for mini tattoos on the leg and selected those that are suitable for people with a gentle soul and that you will be proud to show off all summer long.
Are you a very light sleeper or do you have a hard time falling asleep? Are you one of those people for whom a foreign bed is a source of discomfort and sleepless nights, and because of this, you may even hesitate to travel to foreign places? But don't worry anymore. With a few simple tricks and preliminary preparations, you will be able to sleep even in someone else's bed or even a tent. How to get quality sleep while traveling is no longer a secret.
Did you know that most people don't even know how to use sunscreen properly? We can no longer imagine summer without sunscreen, as it protects us from increasingly dangerous sun rays and, as a result, burns and skin cancer. Despite its vitally important role, scientists are surprisingly finding that we don't actually know how to apply the cream correctly. But perhaps this knowledge will be superfluous in the future, if the idea of the company SnappyScreen, which has made a special cabin for applying juicy cream without touching, catches on.