No one ever said that luxury women's handbags are cheap, but the price for the most expensive Louis Vuitton handbag is truly shocking. The City Steamer bag, which with its prestige threw down the gauntlet of the famous Birkin bag and is also made of crocodile skin, costs as much as 55,500 US dollars! Would you be willing to pay as much for a piece of leather as you would for a premium model car?
We have already introduced you to the wonderful world of glitter beards. Now girls are also waiting for sparkles, namely in their eyebrows. The latest trend for the fairer sex is glittering eyebrows, and we admit that glitter in the eyebrows looks wonderful.
If you're one of those people whose sneaker shopping is dictated by trends, then you may soon have a way to save a lot of money. Indeed, David Coelho presented ShiftWear sneakers on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform, which are equipped with a screen, or rather e-ink, which allows you to change the style of the sneakers using a mobile application.
Do you want to build your own bag? NOBU allows you to do that. The name NOBU is an acronym for the idea of "No Brand but You", which was also the guiding principle in creating the concept of the "postman", who literally carries messages.
Most men tuck their shirt into their pants or waist, but only a few know how to do it correctly. Luckily, the web is full of fashion tips and we've dug up a video that demonstrates how to wear a shirt tucked into your pants so you always look perfect in it.
Lovers of fashion, aesthetics, theater and graphic design will enjoy a fashion show in December that will add color to Maribor. On December 12, 2015, the fashion event HOUSE OF FASHION presents: Bedtime Stories by Revolver Heart will take place in the club with the most beautiful view in the City - Luft.
Since the arrival of the "lumbersexual" trend, we've seen a lot - beards sprinkled with flowers, painted in all the colors of the rainbow and even decorated with holiday decorations. And speaking of the holidays – this year the bearded men have swapped decorations for glitter. That's right, the latest trend among men's beards is festive glitter beards. Under the tag #glitterberad, check out the best…
With the "Evening" collection, Zara has taken care of perfect "party" stylings, which are all we need for the approaching holiday period.
If you drive a MINI brand or want to drive one, then you will surely be happy to hear that MINI is also entering the fashion world. The MINI Gentleman's Collection draws its inspiration from the latest MINI Clubman model.
Pocket Dial is a cover for the iPhone smartphone, which is also a pocket tissue, and the idea of a fashion-technological accessory was signed by Jimmy Fallon. And where did the idea come from? Smartphones follow us everywhere, even when we're wearing a jacket. But over the years they have become quite large and therefore stick out of many people's pockets. The famous American leader therefore looked for a solution to stay chic even with a phone in the outer pocket of his jacket. It goes by the name Pocket Dial and is both an iPhone case and pocket tissue.
Ski masks, used by winter sports enthusiasts to protect their faces from the wind and bitter cold, can look quite animalistic. If you like to stand out on the snowy slopes, but above all you care about your safety and comfort, you will definitely like creative and fun masks. An angry tiger or a cute panda will provide even more fun in the snow.
If you are "craving" for quality crystals, silver and fashion jewelry, scarves, esoteric products and reproduction material, then we have the right address for you - Lapis. Lapis is considered the largest store of minerals, crystals, jewelry and fossils in Slovenia. You can find them in Postojna and online.