The MALiE digital platform is a place where together with experts in the field of sleep, mind development, meditation and hypnotherapy, they create audio content that helps the little heroes of the future to improve sleeping habits, manage anxiety and fear, understand emotions, better focus, learn mindfulness and meditation and greater creativity.
Eyes emphasized with eyeliner or eyeliner is considered one of the most classic make-up looks, but it requires a lot of practice and skill. That's why we're always happy when we see new techniques for creating such a look on the Internet. This time, Ariana Grande presented her trick for applying eyeliner: a popular singer and a real artist in the field of make-up.
Do you often wonder what to make for breakfast? We have a great suggestion for you, prepare incredibly delicious toast with avocado and boiled eggs.
A trick that you probably don't know, but it makes sure that the yolk is always perfectly soft.
Have you ever run out of time to wash your hair? This can be a problem, especially if you have an important event ahead of you and your hair is visibly greasy. That's why we suggest you try the latest beauty trick that has taken Tik Tok by storm: a way to refresh your hairstyle and cover up greasy hair with micellar water.
Who doesn't love burek? Those of you who have it, beware, in front of you is a burek recipe that tastes like the original burek, although everyone who has tried it says it is even better.
It will create an excellent cleaning agent for stubborn stains and grease, without scrubbing.
The beginning of autumn is often also a time of new beginnings, discovering activities that will entertain us during the shorter days, and adopting habits that will have a good effect on our health and self-confidence.
In the autumn days, there is nothing better than enjoying with your loved ones in a cozy and warm home, where even minimal changes in the interior can complement the experience of the entire atmosphere.
They say that every time we mispronounce the name of this type of coffee drink, an Italian comes crashing down from a Vespa.
Big Bang, in collaboration with Groupe SEB, has opened a new Home&Cook store, where customers can find a wide range of top brand products for the home. At the official opening, Ana Praznik with the music group Bepop livened up the event, while chef Bine Volčič provided unforgettable flavors.
Your purchasing decisions can indicate whether you are more intelligent than the majority of the world's population?! Are your spending habits such that you qualify as consumer intelligent people? If you buy these products or brands, then you are an intelligent consumer!