The gap between the thighs, the "thigh gap" (the thighs do not touch when the feet touch), the bikini bridge, the "bikini bridge" (the space between the bikini and the lower part of the abdomen, which is created when we lie on our backs), and now the abdominal channel or the "ab crack". Bizarre, and above all, unhealthy beauty trends that no one wants to catch seem to be mushrooming. Just as the distance between the legs is mainly an anatomical feature and not a sign of vitality and health, the abdominal cavity is also an unrealistic beauty trend that we should ignore.
Would you pay more for a bottle of water than a bottle of fine wine? The most expensive Slovenian water, ROI - Roitschocrene mineral water, costs more than 50 euros, which is the amount to pay for a half-liter bottle! At the recent international evaluation of Finewaters natural mineral waters in the Chinese town of Gwangdžov, the water from Rogaška Slatina won two prestigious awards. And why haven't you heard of her? Because it is only sold abroad! Find out why below.
How to remove stubborn makeup stains from clothes? Learn about simple tricks that will help you get rid of make-up stains such as lipstick, powder, nail polish, eye shadow and mascara that have accidentally ended up on a dress or any other fabric, such as bedding. All you need are a few supplies you already have at home.
Who says that fashionistas are only young and beautiful girls? Instagram's Fashion Dads profile proves that they can be the dads you thought were out of date (at least fashion-wise). Far from it, although we cannot admit that each of these fathers has a sense of style... Is your father also a fashion star like these fathers who have not stopped following fashion trends? Who needs fashion bloggers anyway?
What is the hole in the pasta spoon for? If your answer is yes to draining water, then this is only partially correct, because the opening has another function, which will be especially welcomed by all of you who never know how much spaghetti to throw into boiling salt water.
Do you know which are the tallest statues in the world? A colossal statue of the Chinese god of war Guan Yu was recently "discovered" in China. Although it is a massive monument that is 58 meters high, weighs over 1,320 tons and houses a museum of eight thousand square meters, it is still far from the tallest statue in the world. The tallest statues in the world are...
How to relieve sunburn? Despite constant warnings, some people still overexpose themselves to the sun and don't apply enough sunscreen. The consequences are burns on the skin, which no one wants. If you are one of those unfortunates who have suffered, we offer you tips on how to mitigate them, quickly and effectively. Just the way you like it.
Forget everything that frames a woman's dress and try to think of the most unusual dress you can think of. No matter how hard you try, your imagination will not exceed the bizarre ideas of the fashion designers who made the dresses that you will meet below. We present the most bizarre women's dresses of all time.
uRope slippers are summer footwear created for urban nomads and sports enthusiasts. They are made of durable and soft polypropylene ropes, and are characterized by interesting, modern shapes and colorful colors. The uRope nomadic sandals offer plenty of comfort while walking and are suitable for wandering and sports activities as well as casual days when we don't feel like doing much, because we don't even know we have them on our feet. They can be combined with a wide range of summer activities. You won't go unnoticed with them!
There is no such thing as homemade jam. And when, if not in the summer, when nature bears abundant fruit, is the right time to prepare a delicious homemade jam from fresh and nutrient-rich fruits such as apricots, strawberries and blueberries. These homemade jam recipes will not disappoint you because they are the best homemade jam recipes!
Have you found yourself at the point where your look has become completely boring? Do you want to create a fashionable hairstyle, but you are in a severe daily time crunch? We have found a solution for you. Below you will find simple elegant hairstyles that are perfect for those who are always late or lazy.
Sony has collaborated with Diana Auria (Sony x Auria), an English designer of swimwear made from sustainable materials, to create a collection of indispensable travel accessories Fashion Unplugged, made from recycled surplus headphone wires. These are five unique products inspired by the newly launched h.ear Wireless NC headphones, advanced headphones that ditched the wired connection.