Obiščite Ledeno deželo z Božičkom v Bohinju!Skozi gozd vas bo palček popeljal do njegovega idiličnega domovanja, kjer vas pričaka Božiček. V toplem zavetju koče bo otrokom pripovedoval zgodbice iz svojega pravljičnega sveta in jih pogostil s čajem ter piškoti. Otroke čaka še adrenalinski ...
Spoštovani! Obveščamo vas, da bo Kocke klub - organiziral Razstavo LEGO kock - LEGO delavnico in razstavo LEGO kreacij. Dogodek bo tokrat trajal en dan, v soboto 24.11.2012 od ...
In the end, we'll treat ourselves to an extra pinch of festive spirit and make New Year's decorations, sweeten ourselves with cookies and drive away the cold with tea! Families are welcome! The December program is suitable for children from 4 years of age. Duration 90 min. Price €2.5. In ...
In the cold and unpleasant weather, come to NMS - Metelkova and indulge in the magic of stories from the past. At the workshop, we will learn about different fables and try to find out where they were all written and why, and learn about their teachings. Finally, we'll treat ourselves to an extra pinch...
Dear! We inform you that the Kocke club - will organize the 09th KockeFest - autumn 2012 - a LEGO workshop and an exhibition of LEGO creations. The event will also last two days this time, on Saturday...
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Ten years ago, Leopold Pozabil found such an interesting object in his grandmother's attic that he immediately put it on display at the museum. He would like to show it to his friend, archaeologist Jana Žlička, who will soon visit him in the museum, but he has forgotten which of the objects on display it was. ...
What is touchable clay? What can be created from its kneading? Come and try your hand at making clay horses! Before the creative work, don't miss a mysterious trip through the dark museum rooms, where magically colorful ceramic products are on display. An opportunity for a pleasant family get-together!
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All children between the ages of 6 and 10 are invited to the free introductory workshop JOGArajenje on October 3rd. Practices will take place every Wednesday from 17:00 to 17:45 in the premises of the Sonček center in Šiška. ...
Creative workshops The youngest (1-3) will make butterflies from natural materials, while the slightly older ones (3+) will make dolls from felt. Children will be able to paint their faces :) Tour of the premises, information and registration You can...
Everyone is cordially invited to our last fairy tale hour in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, namely on Saturday, April 21 at ten o'clock in the morning. Once again, Mrs. Jana Osojnik read the fairy tale to you. So that our fairy tales can...