Greetings to all lovers of fairy tales! On Saturday, April 28, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to fairy hour in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. Like every Saturday, this time too she will read a fairy tale to the children...
Delavnice so namenjene vsem otrokom in mladim, ki bi želeli ustvarjalno preživeti prosti čas. V prijetnem okolju parka Arboretum se bomo prepustili ustvarjanju v objemu narave in motivom, ki nam jih narava ponuja. Izvajalka delavnice, Ana-Marija ...
Mavrične igrarije so gibalne in ustvarjalne delavnice v naravi. Otroci s pomočjo igre in pod skrbnim vodstvom animatorjev ŠAD Mavrica spoznavajo okolje okoli sebe. Delavnice se odvijajo vsak konec tedna in so namenjene vsem starostnim skupinam otrok. ...
Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! On Wednesday, April 25, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our fairy tale hour. This time we will read the fairy tale Pukec pa puka. Žabec Pukec keeps popping. ...
Bled bo prvo nedeljo v maju zasijal v vsej svoji čarobnosti. Že enajsti v nizu dobrodelno družabnih dogodkov Čarobni dan, bo 6. maja razveselil vse Blejce in okoličane. Pestro bo tako na odru, kot pod njim. Nešteto otroških delavnic bo poskrbelo za najmlajše, oder pa bodo napolnili odlični slovenski ...
Lepo pozdravljeni ljubitelji ustvarjanja!
V četrtek, 19. aprila, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo na prav posebno ustvarjalno delavnico, in sicer, MAKEDO delavnico. V ...
The Scout Festival is a traditional event organized by the City Scout Association of Ljubljana in honor of Earth Day and...
Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!V sredo, 18.4.2012 ob 17.30 vas vljudno vabimo na pravljično urico, ki ji bo sledila ustvarjalna delavnica. Brali bomo spomladansko obarvano knjigo o ljubkem slončku Montiju.Prisrčno vabljeni vsi otroci od tretjega do desetega leta starosti ter vsi ostali, ki bi jih ...
Warm spring greetings! On Saturday, April 7, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for an Easter fairy tale hour. This time, the storyteller, Jana Osojnik, will read...
What happens when insects decide to masquerade? All-powerful transformations, stylistic, animal, acting, perfect, real and playful at the same time - caterpillars through a bug into a butterfly, Jerne into Pavlet, Nina into Polona and larvae into a bug and then into a ladybug, Alenka into a fly Ela and into a mosquito Pika, flies Ela into bee, mosquito...
You know the well-known fairy tale about the sleeping queen who pricked her finger at the spinning wheel and fell asleep for a hundred years. But you certainly don't know what role it plays in everything...
You know the well-known fairy tale about the sleeping queen who pricked her finger at the spinning wheel and fell asleep for a hundred years. But you certainly don't know what role it plays in everything...