V imenu lutkovnega kluba se skrivajo lutkovne delavnice za starše in njihove malčke, ki po ogledu sobotne dopoldanske predstave skupaj Read More
The name of the puppet club hides puppet workshops for parents and their little ones, who, after watching the Saturday morning performance, together make a simple puppet that is thematically linked to the performance. At the same time, they learn about different puppet techniques, the acting profession, the processing of materials that are unusual for them, and last but not least...
V imenu lutkovnega kluba se skrivajo lutkovne delavnice za starše in njihove malčke, ki po ogledu sobotne dopoldanske predstave skupaj izdelajo enostavno lutko, ki je tematsko vezana na predstavo. Ob tem spoznavajo različne tehnike lutk, igralski poklic, obdelavo zanje nenavadnih materialov ter ...
Mrs. Pehtra is a puppet-play for children, based on the motifs of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. Adapted by: Boštjan Štorman. Playwright: Lucija Ćirović, Boštjan Štorman. Design and production of puppets and sets: Boštjan Štorman. Music: Goran Završnik. Duration: ...
Lovers of fairy tales, welcome again! Also this Wednesday, February 22 at half past six in the afternoon, we invite everyone to our bookstore for a fairy tale hour. This time it will be a little different, as we will present the book The White Way, published by Kres publishing house in collaboration with Ljubljanski mlekarnami. Tina...
What are treasures? Do they really exist? Are treasures a free gift from heaven or a reward for skill and courage? Come and join us on an adventure full of traps and trials, where we will meet and take on the roles of the most famous pirates: from Blackbeard to Jack Sparrow and Alwida and many ...
Greetings fans of beautiful stories and carnival masks! On Shrove Tuesday, February 18, we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, where you will be accompanied by deer.
Oblikovalski vrhunci z razstave nam bodo v navdih pri izdelavi miniaturne otroške sobe. Kraljevi številni stoli, sistemi pohištva, ki so v drugi polovici 20. stoletja zaznamovali naše domove, so hkrati ponujali inovativne oziroma napredne rešitve. Skušali bomo poustvariti podobne sisteme ...
V nedeljo, 18. marca, ob 16. uri se v NMS - Prešernova udeležite preglednega javnega vodstva PRETEKLOST SLOVENIJE, kjer vam bomo razkrili zanimivosti razstav Zakladi Narodnega muzeja Slovenije in Slovenski jezik: identiteta in simbol. Kratka zgodovina Slovencev.Vstopnina po ...
Sabljač Rudolf Cvetko je bil član avstrijske reprezentance, ki je na 5. olimpijskih igrah v Stockholmu leta 1912 osvojila srebrno medaljo v sablji. Z osvojeno olimpijsko medaljo – izdelovali bomo njeno različico – je Cvetko dosegel uspeh, za katerim tudi danes hrepenijo tisoči športnikov vsega ...
Greetings to lovers of cute stories! On Wednesday, February 15, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to fairy hour in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. This time, in a beautiful story, the friendship of the little mouse Mini and the puppy Max will be presented to us. The fairy hour will be followed by a creative workshop.