About what happens when a young teenager with pockets full of stones stands on an overpass above the highway. "The psychological drama of the search for guilt and the culprit begins. But, as in life, in the hall we remain without a single answer. The performance is fast, strong, energetic, especially...
At the Sunday creative workshop, you will turn into design detectives and find out why the first King's folding chair is called the Indian. Do you know what Alfred Nobel and plywood have in common? What did the idea of perforation bring when making the famous Rex chair? What do a mosquito, a chair have in common...
Lepo pozdravljeni mali in veliki ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 28. januarja, vas ob deseti uri dopoldan, ponovno vabimo v prijeten ambient otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom, kjer vam bo pravljičarka Jana Osojnik prebrala prikupno slikanico Ti je toplo Lile?
Little hoof man, he's a bright hero, he never stops, he never stops hoofing, he hoofs through and through, he hoofs Anko in the nose. This is how Oton Župančič brought this very old toy closer to all of us in a song. The hoof is a toy in the form of a flat man with movable limbs connected by a string on the back. If the string...
Pozdravljeni vsi ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 21. januarja, vas ob 10.00 uri, vljudno vabimo na našo vsakotedensko pravljično urico s pravljičarko Jano Osojnik. Tokrat vam bo prebrala pravljico, Pih in Puhica! Kdo pravi, da zajčki in miške ne morejo ...
In conjunction with the Contemporary Finnish Glass 2005-2010 exhibition, we invite you to a tour of the exhibition and a creative workshop for the whole family. The workshop is suitable for the whole family. Price 3.5 euros. Duration: 120 minutes. The children take away the products made in the workshops...
Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!
Živali ob jezeru priredijo vsako leto pred božičem veliko tekmovanje na drsalkah. Seveda pa ima vsaka od njih svoje načrte, kako bi lahko zmagala...
After 1960, Niko Kralj devoted most of his attention to system furniture. He developed various building blocks and joints that allowed the user to assemble the furniture himself according to his own ideas. We will undertake the same task ourselves. Join us in assembling miniature furniture...
Designer Niko Kralj named one of his most successful chairs Lupina. It was produced in many variants: with different bases, covered in skay or textile. Niko Kralj was always looking for even better solutions for his products. We will also be making our own versions of Lupine and…
Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!
V snežinkah, ki padajo na božični večer, je skrit prav poseben čar. In ko gospod Snežak otrese svoj cilinder, se čarovnija začne. Želja majhne deklice in male bele muce iz ...
Dear fans of beautiful stories! Even the last day of this year, 31.12. at 10:00 a.m., in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, which is located in the building of the Ljubljana Puppet Theater opposite the funicular to the castle, we are holding a fairy tale hour for children from the age of three...