Everyone's different, everyone's weird, is designed as a slightly different theatrical, puppet and musical narrative inspired by burlesque about friendship for the youngest. We will look into the life of a worker in a toy factory, where everything is made according to the same hoof. One day, he goes home with one of the toys and meets a circus, which...
A black cat plays the guitar to a white cat to make her his wife. He promises her everything, but his pleas always end bittersweetly. When the white cat finally listens to him, white and black kittens are born. She loves them, even though she doesn't bathe in milk and live in a castle, as her fiancé had promised her. The famous Ribičič
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Pravljica o repi velikanki je pravzaprav zgodba o nastanku sveta. Kdo je izpulil repo velikanko, ki je planet? Miška je prijela kokoške, kokoške so prijele goske, goske so prijele ovčke, ovčke so prijelekravico, kravica je prijela babico, babica je prijela dedka, dedek je prijel repo; vlekli so in vlekli, ...
Lutkovna delavnica za otroke in starše, vodita Sonja Kononenko in Irena Zubalič Žan.V imenu lutkovnega kluba se skrivajo lutkovne delavnice za starše in njihove malčke, ki po ogledu sobotne dopoldanske predstave skupaj s Sonjo in Ireno izdelajo enostavno lutko, ki je tematsko vezana na predstavo. Ob tem ...
Medtem ko bodo starši hiteli po opravkih, bodo njihovi otroci lahko prisluhnili pravljici, ki jo bo pripovedoval pajac pravljičar, potem bodo pravljico narisali in jo na koncu še odigrali. Odigrali? Prelevili se bodo v škrate, čarovnice, princese, kraljeviče, sonce, mesec, veter,vile in velikane ter ...
One summer, Videk tears off his only dress. Since they are poor at home, this is a big problem. He's sad and half naked. Then...as you probably already guessed...animals come to his aid! The sheep gives the wool, the spider weaves the cloth, the crab cuts the cloth, the bird sews it. He has vision...
About what happens when a young teenager with pockets full of stones stands on an overpass above the highway. "The psychological drama of the search for guilt and the culprit begins. But, as in life, in the hall we remain without a single answer. The performance is fast, strong, energetic, especially...
At the Sunday creative workshop, you will turn into design detectives and find out why the first King's folding chair is called the Indian. Do you know what Alfred Nobel and plywood have in common? What did the idea of perforation bring when making the famous Rex chair? What do a mosquito, a chair have in common...
Lepo pozdravljeni mali in veliki ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 28. januarja, vas ob deseti uri dopoldan, ponovno vabimo v prijeten ambient otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom, kjer vam bo pravljičarka Jana Osojnik prebrala prikupno slikanico Ti je toplo Lile?
Little hoof man, he's a bright hero, he never stops, he never stops hoofing, he hoofs through and through, he hoofs Anko in the nose. This is how Oton Župančič brought this very old toy closer to all of us in a song. The hoof is a toy in the form of a flat man with movable limbs connected by a string on the back. If the string...
Pozdravljeni vsi ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 21. januarja, vas ob 10.00 uri, vljudno vabimo na našo vsakotedensko pravljično urico s pravljičarko Jano Osojnik. Tokrat vam bo prebrala pravljico, Pih in Puhica! Kdo pravi, da zajčki in miške ne morejo ...