Bobek lives by the lake. Every day he floats his little boats on the water and dreams of being a captain. I wish I had a real boat: if I had one, he thinks, then I would sail across the water and get to the other side. It just so happens that he gets the right boat. He bravely sits in it, but as soon as he sets sail, the mouse is already there. Then she calls him...
Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! As always, this Saturday, December 24, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., we are organizing a fairy-tale adventure in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. Book Best Christmas! the storyteller, Mrs. Jana Osojnik, will also read this time. There's only one day left until Christmas. Little...
What happens when insects decide to masquerade? All-powerful transformations, stylistic, animal, acting, perfect, real and playful at the same time - caterpillars through a bug into a butterfly, Jerne into Pavlet, Nina into Polona and larvae into a bug and then into a ladybug, Alenka into a fly Ela and into a mosquito Pika, flies Ela into bee, mosquito in...
Theater workshop for children from the age of 5 (90 min), led by Nina Skrbinšek. While the parents are running errands, their children will be able to listen to a fairy tale told by a fairy tale spider, then draw the fairy tale and act it out at the end. They will transform into...
Greetings to all lovers of fairy tales! At this time's fairytale hour on Wednesday, 21.12. at 5:30 p.m., everything will be ablaze with gold, as we will recall the golden times with fairy tales, when King Matjaž was still alive and when everything was still good... ...
We would like to invite you to participate in an exciting and fun yoga teacher's course for children & families, which will take place in Zagreb from March 16 to 18, 2012. Our 3-day intensive course contains full of practical...
Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!Tudi to sredo, 14.decembra ob 17.30, vas vabimo v otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom, kjer ponovno prirejamo pravljično urico. Tokrat bomo brali slikanico Božično praznovanje. Kot ponavadi, bomo po prebrani zgodbici tudi ...
The year is coming to an end, and for the last time this year we will have fun at Mini Dates. Through dance and story, we will get to know the customs associated with the New Year, learn new dance choreographies and indulge in the rhythms of the festive...
Pozdravljeni vsi ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 10. decembra, vas ob 10.00 uri, vljudno vabimo na našo vsakotedensko pravljično urico s pravljičarko Jano Osojnik. Tokrat vam bo prebrala pravljico, Vesel ...
Tokrat bomo na Arheozabavi v čarobnem duhu decembrskega časa pobegnili v pravljičnost antičnega sveta: v čas, ko se govori, da so ljudje še živeli skupaj z bogovi, da so po svetu strašile pošasti in da so junaki gradili boljši svet. V ustvarjalnem delu bomo izdelovali okraske, s katerimi bomo ...
We will print linocuts, learning about the production process: carving and printing an artistic motif from a graphic board. In the run-up to the Christmas and New Year holidays, we will make our holiday business card based on simplified mannerist motifs from the exhibition. The workshop is suitable for all ages. Products, ...
Prisrčen pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
V sredo, 7.decembra, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na ustvarjalno delavnico, ki ji bo sledila pravljična urica. Tokrat vam bo knjigo Plamenčki sreče, ...