Children, on the Christmas mini-date you will meet a good-natured, round-faced man with a dance and a story, whose profession is listening to the wishes of children and giving them gifts. It comes from the far north pole where it is home. He is dressed in dwarven clothes of red color with white...
Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
Kot vsako, tudi to soboto, 3.12.2011 ob 10.00 uri, v otroški knjigarni Kres pod gradom prirejamo pravljično dogodivščino. Knjigo Snežakov prvi božič bo tudi tokrat prebrala pravljičarka, gospa ...
December, the month of washing and gifts, is here. Right at the beginning, the first of the holy men who bring gifts will visit us. Through the dance story, we will get to know Santa Claus, who comes to us on foot or on a sleigh pulled by a horse-drawn carriage. ...
Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!
Tudi to sredo, 30.novembra ob 17.30, vas vabimo v otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom, kjer ponovno prirejamo pravljično urico. Tokrat bomo brali slikanico Larina zvezdica in pošasti iz sanj. Kot ...
Hearty greetings to all lovers of heartwarming stories! On Wednesday, November 23, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our fairy tale hour, which will be followed by a creative workshop. We will read the book Lara's star. ONE CLEAR NIGHT LARA WASN'T AND COULDN'T SLEEP. ...
You are invited to a Sunday workshop dedicated to letters! Letters are all around us. They come in all shapes and sizes. They annoy us when we try to read and write them for the first time. Sometimes they are too small, sometimes too much. Therefore, we will go to the land of letters and discover why they are like that and how they are created. The workshop is suitable for...
Greetings to all lovers of good stories! On Wednesday, November 16, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour, which will be followed by a creative workshop. We will read the book White Bear, help me fly!. A cute picture book about white...
With dance wanderings, we will venture into the world of dance and learn about dance styles that come from different countries. With which, let it be a surprise. :) Join us on Saturday, November 19 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Casino. ...
The leaves on the trees have already turned to warm autumn tones and covered the forest paths with a colorful palette of colors. In the Casino, we will combine autumn charms with dance and prepare a colorful autumn dance. Children between the ages of 4 and 8, join us for the autumn Mini...
Greetings to young and old fairy-tale enthusiasts! On Saturday, November 12, at ten o'clock, we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour. This time, fairy tale writer Jana Osojnik will read...
Domišljijska in nenavadna pravljica ruskega pesnika Puškina, ki je navdušila kritike in občinstvo doma in na tujem.
Besedilo: Aleksander Sergejevič Puškin
Prevod: Oton Župančič
Režija: Aleksander Anurov Asistentka režije: Nataša ...
Zabavna predstava za vse generacije z letošnjo dobitnico Borštnikovega prstana, Milado Kalezić, ki je nastala v želji Mini teatra spodbuditi pisanje sodobne slovenske dramatike za otroke.
Besedilo: Andrej Rozman Roza Režija: Robert Waltl
Igrajo: Milada Kalezić, Mirjana ...