Pozdravljeni ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto 8.oktobra ob desetih dopoldne, vse otroke od 3. do 10. leta starosti, njihove starše, stare starše in vse ostale, ki bi jih dogodek zanimal, prav prisrčno vabimo v našo otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom na PRAVLJIČNO URICO. ...
Dear! We inform you that the Kocke club - www.kocke.si will organize the 07th KockeFest - autumn 2011 - a LEGO workshop and an exhibition of LEGO creations. This time the event will last two days, on Saturday 15.10.2011...
Trgovina Iana & Boboli bo svoje kupce ponovno razveselila z otroško modno revijo, tokrat v sodelovanju z Lino Kuduzovič. Novo kolekcijo jesen/zima bodo prestavili otroci manekensko – plesne šole Vulcano Models v petek 07.10.2011 ob 17:30 uri pred trgovino IANA&BOBOLI v Mercator Centru Šiška ...
Warm greetings, young and old lovers of children's books and creativity! The firefly Nino shone every night. Only Luna shone brighter than him. But what would happen if the Moon got tired? Could Nino's dream come true? Join us on Wednesday,...
On the occasion of Universal Children's Day, we will prepare a dance animation workshop in Kazina, where we will devote even more than usual to joy, warmth, happy and relaxed laughter, and have fun and rejoice together with dance and music. Children between the ages of 4 and 8 are invited ...
- it will smell like pumpkin delicacies - children's workshop on the theme of 'autumn' - pumpkin carving - horse-drawn carriage ride...
Novo sezono mini zmenkov bomo pričeli glasbeno obarvano.
Glasba spremlja ples in ples spremlja glasbo. Ob svetovnem dnevu glasbe bomo v Kazini pripravili kreativno plesno delavnico za otroke, stare med 4 in 8 let, kjer se bomo prepustili plesnim ritmom in se rekreirali s ...
Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem pravljic!
V sredo, 28.9.2011 vas ob 17.30 uri vljudno vabimo na pravljično urico z ustvarjalno delavnico, ki bo v znamenju prebrane knjige. Tokrat bomo brali slikanico Mami kdaj prideš?
»Zajček moj, danes moram k babici, da ji bom pomagala pri spomladanskem ...
Greetings to all young and old lovers of beautiful stories! On Saturday, September 24, at ten o'clock, we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour.
Greetings to all lovers of good stories! On Saturday, September 17, at 9:00 a.m., we invite you again to the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, where experienced storyteller Jana Osojnik will read the picture book Little Duck Nina Goes to the Zoo.
Time to play and create! All children are welcome to join us! The Saturday creative workshops are based on the exhibition program of the Center for Contemporary Arts and are primarily focused on the diversity of content and expressions that are characteristic of contemporary art. Children develop creative visual...
Greetings to all lovers of good stories! On Wednesday, September 14, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour, which will be followed by a creative workshop. We will read...