The magical day will celebrate its second birthday on August 28 in the Volčji potok Arboretum in the midst of beautiful nature! Be with us just before the start of the school year, because we are preparing some extraordinary surprises for you! On the main stage they will be in a colorful...
Lep pozdrav malim in velikim pravljičnim navdušencem!
V sredo, 29.6.2011, vas vljudno vabimo na pravljično urico, ki ji bo kot ponavadi sledila še ustvarjalna delavnica na temo knjige. Tokrat bomo brali zgodbico o prikupnem duhcu Tobiasu.
Noč za nočjo duhec Tobias ves zdolgočasen visi v stari ...
We have put away our winter shoes and our feet are looking forward to airy, open shoes. Young ladies are already showing enthusiasm for new clothes, and they already have an idea about new shoes. These must be primarily practical, but children also have high demands and expectations regarding trendy...
Slingers became a hit everywhere they hit the shelves, as they are an action game that combines skill and strategy. Slingers are actually spheres that work like yo-yos, except that they have a magnet on the bottom, which is used to pick up special coins with characters of War Titans warriors. When collecting coins, we must…
Disney and Pixar presented one of the most challenging projects to date. The continuation of the animated film Cars was technically perfected, and the characters were given an even more vivid and convincing image. A world inhabited only by cars is a world different from the world of toys, monsters, ...
The cabinet, the most characteristic piece of furniture in the 17th century, was used by wealthier owners to store valuables, as well as toilet and sewing supplies. The double doors are closed by drawers, the contents of which were known only to the owner of the cabinet. Instead of wood, we will make a cabinet-no cupboard...
Little hoof man, he's a bright hero, he never stops, he never stops hoofing, he hoofs through and through, he hoofs Anko in the nose. This is how Oton Župančič brought this very old toy closer to all of us in a song. The hoof is a toy in the form of a flat man with movable limbs connected by a string on the back. If the string...
A warm summer greeting to fairy tale lovers! Rosana is going to the sea. He wants to take with him a turtle, a parasol, a thick book, a ball and most importantly - his baby. But how will Rosana manage everything...
Lutkovne predstave za otroke na celjski Mestni plaži:
Četrtek, 23. junij
18.00 MESTNA PLAŽA – SAVINJSKO NABREŽJELUTKE VABIJO NA PLAŽO: POJTE, POJTE DROBNE PTICE Gledališka priredba ljudskih pesmi za otrokeBesedilo, dramaturgija, režija: Nena MočnikScenografija, lutke, ...
... na celjsko Mestno plažo!
Nedelja, 3. julij
11.00 MESTNA PLAŽA – SAVINJSKO NABREŽJERAZIGRANE NEDELJE VABIJO: ANA DESETNICA 2011 Lee Hayes: Za flašo predalečLjubezen do viskija in ljubezen do nastopanja sta se združili in nastala je čudovita predstava. Medtem ko deli ...