From June 9, families looking for laughter and fun will be in for a treat, as they will be delighted by the second part of the animated family comedy adventure Kung Fu Panda 2. The main actor of the film, the clumsy panda Pu, who wants to become a kung fu fighter, has already in the first part of the film, following a web of amusing circumstances...
The end of the school year is approaching and the Moon Festival team is preparing full steam ahead for the most fun and playful festival for the youngest in our capital. The red thread of the 5th Lunar Festival is health, and this topic will be particularly addressed in the very real Land of Health. It's coming again...
We've reached the warm part of the year, now it's time to choose a timely and correct children's summer footwear. Hot days are just around the corner, when the most important concern for parents is that their little one's footwear is breathable, comfortable and of good quality. Children's summer play is an unpredictable mix of sand and...
Zaživela je nova, zelo posebna spletna trgovinica z majhnim številom artiklov, ki so prijazni do ljudi ter odgovorni do narave. Njihovi izdelki ustrezajo visokim zdravstvenim in okoljevarstvenim standardom.
Razveselili smo se nove spletne trgovine za otroke ZelenaOpica, ki ponuja naravne, okolju in človeku prijazne ...
On Sunday, the streets of the old city center in Koper will turn into a magical, lively and lively scene of many activities, workshops and...
Greetings, young and old lovers of children's books and creativity! Also this Wednesday, June 8 at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, where we are once again holding a fairytale...
Na delavnici se bomo spoznali z različnimi vrstami in funkcijami parkov ter skupaj razmišljali o parkih in njihovih uporabnikih v Ljubljani in še zlasti v Fužinah. Viharili bomo ideje o tem, kaj vse bi se lahko dogajalo v Muzejskem parku, komu vse bi lahko bil namenjen in skušali upodobiti, kako bi bilo zato ...
Greetings to lovers of good stories! On Saturday, May 28, at ten in the morning, we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour. A selected book from the book program of the Kres Publishing House will also be read this time by the experienced storyteller Jana...
Closing performance of the group "Junior elementary school students - advanced" of the Barica Blenkuš Drama School, under the mentorship of Boštjan Štorman. Brief description of the performance: Many years ago, the Agata Wloob orphanage stood on this site. There was some clear...
On Saturday, 21.5. we will celebrate the 1st birthday of the children's bookshop 'Kres pod gradom'. We invited, of course, the children first. This bookshop is mainly intended for them. .