Greetings to all lovers of fairy tales! Also on the first Wednesday of the new year, January 5 to be precise, we invite you and your children, grandchildren, nephews (and everyone else, of course!) to our bookstore for a fairy tale hour at half past six in the afternoon. Fairy tale apprentices Sara and Katja will read a book or two, and then...
Greetings to all lovers of fairy tales! Even on the last Wednesday of this year, December 29 to be precise, we invite you and your children, grandchildren, nephews (and everyone else, of course!) to our bookstore for a fairy tale hour at half past six in the afternoon. Fairy tale apprentices Sara and Katja will read a book or two, and then...
Greetings to all lovers of fairy tales! In our reunion with Irena Cerar, we will learn about holiday fairy tales! The time around Christmas and New Year has always been mysterious. On Christmas Eve, pure gold can flow instead of ordinary fountains. Secret caves with treasures can be opened. In the middle of winter...
V soboto 18. decembra ob 10 uri vse ljubitelje pravljic vabimo v otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom na pravljično urico z igralko gospo Jano Osojnik.Istega dne ob 12 uri pa bomo otroke popeljali na pravljično potovanje po tujih deželah - vabljeni na pravljično urico tokrat v nemškem jeziku!
Vljudno ...
V petek 17.12.2010 ob 17:30 uri vas v 1.nadstropju, pred trgovino IANA&BOBOLI v Mercator Centru Šiška pričakuje BOŽIČEK, ki bo v sodelovanju z ABC ŠPORTOM in drugimi sponzorji (Media Film, Točno.To,) obdaril vse pridne otroke.
Za modno zabavo bodo poskrbeli ...
Pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem pravljic!
V sredo 15. decembra ob 17.30 uri vas vabimo na sredino pravljično urico, ki bo tokrat potekala v posebnem predprazničnem vzdušju!Pravljično potepanje bomo začeli s knjigo Bela pot, nato pa bo sledila ustvarjalna delavnica, kjer bomo z izdelovali snežake. :)
Vas ...
Pravkar odprta in moderno opremljena poslovalnica Nove KBM nudi posebno doživetje tudi otrokom z sobotnimi dogodki in otroškim kotičkom.
To soboto, 11. decembra ob 11. uri, ...
On Saturday, December 11, at 10 a.m., we invite all fairy-tale lovers to the children's bookstore Kres under the castle for a fairy-tale hour with actor Domno Valič. On the same day, at 12 noon, we will take the children on a fairy-tale journey through foreign lands - you are invited to a fairy-tale hour in English! You are cordially invited...
This time at the Archeozabava, in the magical spirit of December, we will escape to the fairy tale of the ancient world: to a time when it is said that people still lived together with the gods, that monsters haunted the world and that heroes built a better world. We will hear stories about this , who invented the maze, ...
This time at the Archeozabava, in the magical spirit of December, we will escape to the fairy tale of the ancient world: to a time when it is said that people still lived together with the gods, that monsters haunted the world and that heroes built a better world. We will listen to the story of Phaeton, the son of the sun god...
The newest branch of Nova KBM on Mestne trg in Ljubljana will spice up its Saturday event this time with a fun get-together for children.Read More
The project of the "family laboratory" Familylab was designed by the renowned Danish family therapist and writer Jesper Juul based on forty years of experience in family therapy and counseling. How to create a good family atmosphere and quality relationships in the family, between children and adults and...