Planning a wedding can be very tiring, and the to-do list is endless. Every couple will remember their wedding day as one of the most beautiful in their life, and it is the beautiful photos that will remain as an eternal memory. Wedding photographers spend a lot of time with their clients and notice many things, even things that often remain hidden to others.
Chapter 2021 will close in January 2022, you will have 365 new sheets available. New opportunities. New goals. And what record does the horoscope for January 2022 bring you?
Do you ever look in the mirror and be disappointed with your appearance? Do you tell yourself that you have a big nose, too small lips, too many, too few kilos and the like? Stop it, you're lowering your self-esteem and blocking happiness!
Her energy will be strong and can change a lot! At the very beginning of 2022, strong energy awaits us, not only because of the new year, but also because of the new moon, which will light up the night sky on January 2. It brings us energy that is great for manifesting and creating intentions.
You deserve to be asked to slow dance in the street. You deserve to be a part of your partner's world, not their best kept secret. Let me remind you that you deserve so many things that you have forgotten or think you are not worthy of.
Because you love me not only when I'm happy, but also when I show you the parts of me that I don't like. My vulnerability, sadness, pain, sensitivity, fears.
Many people can agree that communication is the foundation of a solid and healthy relationship and that it needs to be worked on daily. However, misunderstandings and words that hurt the partner are expressed in an unhealthy way and are the reason that undermines many relationships. And the thing that can lead to a premature ending of a relationship is certainly constant criticism. But why is criticism so harmful and how can we let our partner know that his behavior bothers us in a healthy and respectful way?
Holidays are a time when we spend wonderful moments with our loved ones around a richly covered table. However, many people worry that they will gain extra pounds due to the delicious feast. That's why we've prepared 10 tips for you to enjoy Christmas and New Year's food while keeping an eye on the line.
The new year symbolizes new chapters that you want to change in your life. While some achieve their goals, others are not so lucky and their resolutions don't even last until the middle of January. We will explain why you cannot reach the goal below.
Omicron symptoms - what are they?! One of the symptoms is now largely associated with Omicron infections and could easily be mistaken for viral infections common in the winter season. So be careful!
"There are three types of egoists: egoists who live alone and let others live; egoists who live alone but do not let others live; and finally egoists who neither live themselves nor let others live." - Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
A woman who forgives lovers! But! "Men forget but never forgive; women forgive but never forget.” This is the truth!