What is autophagy? In fact, it is a physiological process that is as old as humanity itself and that is woven into the Old Testament in the Bible as fasting.
Have you ever met the perfect person? No? That's probably because they don't exist.
It's those little things that slowly get on your nerves.
2020 was not the most exciting year to find new partners.
Famous divorce lawyers have analyzed their clients and discovered patterns that show why various marriages have broken up. Together with relationship counselors, they created these extremely interesting and good tips for maintaining a partnership!
Your friends and family have probably told you about some "facts" about the human body, or you've even read about them online. Maybe you believed them or not, but these are the most common misconceptions that have spread among people for some reason. Check below which seven misconceptions about the human body are most often "sold" to us.
The best diet of 2021 is the Mediterranean diet - this is what US News & World Report decided for the fourth year in a row.
What is karma? The word karma is of Sanskrit origin and means "action". This is the equivalent of Newton's law which states, "Every action must have a reaction."
These are 7 signs that will help you identify the person with whom fate connects you!
Magical love awaits this astrological sign until January 20: who is waiting for passion and romance?
This is the astrological sign that opens the magic box of love wishes!
How do you know you've done your workout well? Check if you feel these 5 signs during and after your workout.
Mental health needs to be taken care of and discussed openly. Regardless of how the past year was, how ruthless it was and what consequences it brought, we must be aware that the current situation affects mental health and brings feelings of fear and anxiety. In the summer we endured all this more easily, but winter can be problematic due to the short days and bad weather. That's why today we turn to the Scandinavian principle of "friluftsliv".