Love him. He loves you. Are you wondering if he still wants you like he did at the beginning of the relationship?
Answer these questions honestly and discover the hidden side of your personality.
"Intimacy is exploration." - Fannie Hurst
When you are looking for a person to spend the rest of your life with, you should pay attention exclusively to these two things.
Astrologers are sure that the new year will bring us good luck.
When a man lets go of a good woman, he may not immediately realize his mistake.
What do the eyes say when we lie? When we hide our emotions? When we think about our relationships?
How can we avoid them to make our relationship work?
"People are mostly as happy as we want to be." - Abraham Lincoln
When you have true love, or as we like to say, "the right one" by your side, it's the ultimate experience of the purest kind of love that you just can't afford to lose. However, sometimes people can become extremely proud and rude for no particular reason.
If they don't get rich on their own, they will enjoy luxury with the help of their partner.
Leading UK sleep expert Nick Littlehales claims that buying the most expensive mattresses is a waste of money and it's better to go to bed later than early at night. With his findings, he dispels certain myths and truths about sleep.