"Love is like life: not a comfortable and peaceful state, but a great and wonderful adventure". - A. Fayol
A sincere hug from a friend or partner can have a very powerful effect on our body. In addition to laughter, hugs also have healing properties.
What kind of job is best for you?
How often do we hear complaints from men that women are complicated and that they just can't find a "normal" woman.
"Dreams are the key to happiness. Dreams are the key to success." - Unknown author
What do you really want and need in a relationship?
"The most beautiful thing in life is that everyone can spoil it in their own way." - Jeno Heltay
"There are good days and bad days. The good days pass so quickly! You know that yourself, but you have a hard time coming to terms with it. But the bad days also pass. Why don't you think about it, why don't you take comfort in it?" - Phil Bosmans
"It's not what you say, it's what people hear." - Frank Luntz
"A great man makes strict demands on himself, a small man makes them on others." - Confucius
Exercise will not be enough to lose stubborn fat around the belly!