A recent study carried out in Brazil could solve the question of why some people are so resistant to wearing protective masks, even though it is one of the three recommendations in preventing the spread of the new coronavirus infection, along with hygiene and maintaining a suitable distance.
"Don't waste your time and energy on those who don't care about you or those who don't love you." - Andrey Kurpatov
The Sun and Saturn are the strongest autumn planets, which will bring changes in your life that you have wanted for a long time.
Just a minute to inspire and encourage you to change your thinking.
"Follow your heart, but take your brain with you!" - A. Adler
What are the best dating apps 2020 that you'll actually want to use? Here are our editors' picks for the best dating apps of 2020 - from Tinder to Bristol, aka "Tinder for Mustaches."
Is the question "Have I got over the coronavirus?" constantly popping up in your head? If you had a bad cold or a cough that didn't go away in the winter, this question is absolutely appropriate.
"A wise woman kisses but does not love; listens but does not believe; leaves before she is abandoned." - Marilyn Monroe
We all want to be happy, healthy and successful, but we don't know exactly how to achieve it.
Are you interested in where the best wellness centers are in Slovenia? Slovenia's wellness offer is definitely extremely rich, so our guide to pleasures and pampering will come in handy!
What are the best weight loss apps 2020 recommended by nutritionists and personal trainers?
"When in doubt, tell the truth. The truth is the most valuable thing we have." - Mark Twain