"When you look at yourself in the light of the whole universe, something inside reminds you and reminds you that there are bigger and better things to worry about." - Albert Einstein
Did you know that sleeping can also cause your face to develop wrinkles that add years to your life?
Even though it makes them feel terrible and their hearts are broken - they do it. They gather their courage and leave.
Here are five unexpected things that can affect your sex life very negatively!
"Work like you don't need money, dance like nobody's watching, love like you've never been hurt." - Rumi
"True love begins when nothing is expected in return." – Antoine De Saint-Exupéry
Sociologists and relationship counselors reveal which years are best for marriage and at the same time "guarantee" that you have less chance of getting divorced one day! Are there any years when it's the right time to say your fateful "I do"?
A question that many people are interested in is how many intimate relationships are normal at a certain age... but many also wonder if their libido is above average.
October is International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On this occasion, the Slovenian yoga brand Melon & Lime joined forces with the German charity Yoga for Cancer in a unique online charity event: Pink October Yoga, a day of yoga for a good cause.
Smelly shoes? Do you also not dare to take them off, because you know that they will emit a really unpleasant smell? Here are some great tricks to get rid of unpleasant shoe odor!
What does your horoscope predict for 2021? Maybe it will be a year of love for you too? Well, these five astrological signs already seem so!
Being different from the rest of your family is not a bad thing at all!