What did this spring have in store for you?
Did you know that falling in love activates the same brain centers as drug addiction?
Are you addicted to likes? Do you share all your secrets with your "friends"?
Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter how you look.
A person of integrity is a person who says what he means and does what he says. Her thoughts are in line with her words and actions. He takes responsibility for what he does or says.
Love is the embrace of two souls that strive for perfection, but complement each other in their imperfection.
Do you know what emotional intelligence is?
There are things in life that are worth your energy, but there are even more things that waste it unnecessarily.
He tells you a lot of nice things, but does he really mean them?
Is your friend moving to another place or even a country for work or love? If you think this is the end of your friendship, you are wrong. Distance is not an obstacle to true sincere friendships, because they are connected by a strong bond, which distance will only strengthen.
Their word is not trustworthy.
When "he" is just one click away from you.