External achievements will certainly not bring you lasting happiness and meaning in life.
"Only true friends warn you when you have a dirty face." – a Sicilian proverb
The legendary Ernest Hemingway said: "I like to sleep. When I'm awake, my life falls apart." But this is certainly not true of today's businessmen. Well, at least not for everyone!
What can you expect for Valentine's Day from your loved one according to their astrological sign?
Julia Hawkins is the oldest woman to compete in cross country, and her nickname, Hurricane Hawkins, says it all. Her persistence is immeasurable.
It makes others feel awe of you!
We have prepared a wonderful love letter for you that you can send to your Valentine. If you are also experiencing this, then you have met true love! Attach a cute photo of you and you've won!
What are the signs of phone addiction? Virtually everyone has a smartphone, and tablets are already in the hands of young children. It is good to know the signs of phone addiction and how to establish a healthier relationship with the phone.
Sometimes the looks and excitement of the new person in your life blinds you. If you recognize toxic traits in other people at the right time, you will save yourself a lot of confusion and negativity.
Some are inclined to loyalty more, some less, and some not at all. And what does astrology say?
We talked to renowned personal trainer Daniel Jelovic about the misconceptions related to exercise. This January always deals with those of us who believe in exercise myths, and of course with a bunch of those who set unrealistic New Year's resolutions. We've worked with him to pick out some of the most common misconceptions most of his clients have when they decide to start training.
If you read this every day, you're well on your way to becoming a better person.