January is a time when many people prioritize their bodies - if you want to become the best version of yourself, remember that it doesn't take a lot of effort. A little is enough to improve your well-being. And science answers how.
Sometimes we have to walk into the storm to appreciate the light and renew our passion for the beauty of life. Here is 20 brutal truths that everyone needs to hear.
Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's probably better to suffer through it than to be heartbroken because you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you.
They are not going out tonight. They decided to stay home, prepare their favorite food and finally watch the movie they have been wanting for so long. A warm and comfortable evening at home, what could be more beautiful... But everything is not so perfect. While you're watching a movie, your partner is looking at their phone and ruining the experience. Don't worry, you're not alone. There is a name for this phenomenon, namely "screen dipping", which could be roughly translated into "switching between screens".
Despite the fact that our tastes differ, scientists from various fields have discovered what characteristics draw us to other people. These eight things should make people gravitate towards you like a magnet.
The perfect man only exists in our imaginations, and on average, some types of men are more desirable than others! Scientists have found what is what we can call perfection.
You don't need to make a scene about every little thing, but if your love does certain things that cut into your heart, it could be a sign that your relationship is in danger.
How is it possible that girls and women, who should be the most desirable according to common sense, are single? Is it their own fault or is the whole world conspiring against them?
Each of us has our own medicine that more or less successfully cures a hangover, and the most common are various drinks with electrolytes, fatty foods, or water and aspirin. A hangover is usually caused by dehydration, as alcohol is a diuretic. Headache, nausea, dry mouth, fatigue and dizziness - all these are characteristics of a hangover, but of course we want to get rid of it as soon as possible. What cures a cat? Here are five unusual ways that are backed up by science.
Many men can thank beards for making them more attractive. But that's not all! If science is to be believed, it is also possible to fight against insidious diseases with their help.
Every now and then we find ourselves in a period when we are sure that we will never find true love again, because a deep connection with another person is not something that is destined for us. Here you can read 6 reasons why you think you will never truly love again and why you are wrong.
Life teaches you over the years that it's better to keep things to yourself. Think about it, some people are happy because you have problems, so you should not confide these secrets to anyone, because you can be left without them.