If you want your crush to forget you at the same moment, then good luck, otherwise we advise you not to do this while kissing.
A man is an important part of every woman's life, but that doesn't mean he has to do everything for him - think before you decide to change your partner's whim.
When you're in a relationship, sometimes it's hard not to fall into a routine. The butterflies in your stomach sooner or later fly away, and then you have to consciously take care that your spark doesn't go out. Here you can find a list of 7 creative ideas to celebrate your anniversary that will help you stay passionate.
There are several different personality typologies. Among the most famous are the Big Five theories and the Myer-Briggs theory of personality, which is based on the findings of psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. The Myer-Briggs typology is controversial - some are passionate advocates of it, while others loudly criticize it as unscientific. According to this theory, people can be classified into 16 groups based on a combination of traits on four different scales: introvert (I) or extravert (E), intuitive (N) or sensitive (S), feeling (F) or thinking (T) and evaluative (J) or observant (P). According to research, the rarest personality type is the INFJ. In the article you will find 11 signs that you have the rarest personality type.
If you and your partner share the same astrological sign, you need to pay attention to these things, otherwise unnecessary complications may arise. Two individuals in the same astrological sign can mirror each other in many ways, which can often be very uncomfortable and tiring for both.
The temperature in the air conditioner is too low. Open window in the car. Draft in the apartment. Wind, rain and wet hair. These are just a few of the reasons you blame for catching a cold. Later, you caught the flu. You want to get better as soon as possible, but you don't know how to start the healing process, because you only know the myths about flu and colds, which have probably not brought you anything good until now. Here is the truth.
Men, do you know why it hurts so much when you get punched in the testicles? No? We have an explanation for you that will finally explain why this pain is so hellish.
Modesty is a beautiful virtue. Broadmouths are usually not as exceptional as they are made out to be. However, it often happens to humble people that they strongly doubt themselves at times. Here you can read a list of 11 signs that you are much more intelligent than you think.
Does this sound familiar: you just broke up with your partner and very soon after that you found yourself in the grip of memories. That's when you reach for your phone and look at old photos and relive sweet memories of the days together. Pretending that you didn't love each other and that there was nothing between you makes no sense. However, it is also not healthy to indulge in nostalgia without control. Read the list of 7 types of photos you must not look at after a breakup if you want to heal your heart as soon as possible.
Some signs of infidelity are so obvious that women should not ignore them: late business meetings, lipstick stains, the smell of perfume that you do not use, etc. But there are also more subtle signs that can indicate infidelity. Is he loyal to you? Pay attention to these things and you might catch him.
Your best friend has some serious competition...in your cousin. This is that girl who may not always be physically with you because she may live in another city, but she is your soul mate. You know exactly when you first met. They were probably still little girls playing around the yard or organizing fashion shows for their relatives. That's when they bonded and became like ass and shirt. Today they are adults, but they are still very close. And because of these 6 reasons, you can say that widows are best friends.
Some people find it absurd to maintain any kind of relationship with an ex-partner. But there are also exes who think that the breakup of the relationship only means a new chapter for their relationship - we are talking about sexual relations here. Is that kind of intimacy even healthy after you've ended your love relationship?