The adult film industry has long since moved to the Internet, where the largest portal in the world studies the sexual habits of individuals in detail and, of course, thanks to the mass of collected data, it knows exactly what suits whom. This is also why it can provide us with very interesting information about the sexual tendencies and fetishes of Slovenian women and men. Well, let's see.
You could write an encyclopedia on the reasons why men and women cheat, and you still wouldn't cover half of the reasons. Almost everyone has their own reason, accompanied by a long story to justify the reason and, of course, extreme moralizing to try to minimize their guilt. But science does not surrender so easily. In a recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research, they simplified everything.
When do you know you're ready for the biggest role of your life?
The holidays are finally upon us, but don't relax too much. Another holiday that you either love or hate is approaching. That's right, we're talking about Valentine's Day. If you have a partner, then you will almost certainly spend Valentine's Day together. And if this partner is of a more lazy nature, and so are you, then you are in luck. We have searched for ideas for a Valentine's Day date that you can spend in the shelter of your own home or apartment.
Nobody's perfect, and that's great! What a boring world it would be if we had nothing to worry about, right? However, there are quite a few habits that actually harm us and our health. The beginning of the new year is the right time to think about harmful habits and replace them with healthier ones.
It probably happens to you that you are about to go to bed, but forget to turn off the lights or close the window with blinds. In the future, you will no longer have to get up and prepare suitable conditions for sleep, because Nokia Sleep will do it for you.
Today there are a number of trends in the dating world - "stashing", "breezing", "submarining" and the list goes on. Now there's microcheating. What is it and maybe you have already committed it?
The space we arrange can reflect our mental state. And even though you tend to get messy and feel good about it, there are quite a few reasons why it's better to follow tidiness here and there. Read what the advantages of minimalism are and 7 reasons to give up the hood.
Movies, series and books often connect us with the idea of a soulmate - a person who is meant for us and with whom our life will be much better. Every now and then we are lucky enough to feel that way with some of them. Below you can read 5 ways to attract the soulmate you've always wanted.
Remember that every situation is unique. Fortunately, we women have a great weapon: intuition. If he tells you that something is wrong, then don't be hasty in your decisions. But if you also just want to have fun, then you can relax!
If you've kissed recently, you may (or may not - depending on the intensity of the kiss) have noticed that we tend to lean in a bit during a kiss - most people to the right. Why is this so? In this article you can read why we lean in when we kiss.
In many cases, New Year's resolutions include losing weight or getting in better shape. For all those of you who will take on this project in 2018, we have prepared some supporting points that can help you along the way. The tips you need to follow if you want to lose weight will make your journey to the desired figure easier.