Jumper Peter Prevc is our main asset at the 50th World Nordic Skiing Championship 2015, which is being held this year in Falun, Sweden. Prevc, the bird man, as he was nicknamed after he became the first man to fly 250 meters in Vikersund last weekend, belongs to the narrow circle of favorites to win (according to the FIS, he is even the first favorite), but the Slovenians have him and 16 other irons in the fire. Will Zdravljica resonate at this world championship as well?
We will probably never get an unequivocal answer to the eternal question "Who is the better footballer, Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?", probably also because they are quite different in character and because they play for the teams, Barcelona and Real, which in football the biggest rivalry reigns. Fortunately, the statistics are so broad that Messi and Ronaldo, who are hungry for goals and victories, can share the records. Which only complicates the answer to the question, Leo or CR7?
Soccer player Zlatan Ibrahimović considers himself God, at least that's what he once said himself. Yes, the Swedish virtuoso with the ball has no hair on his tongue and is therefore a regular guest of the press not only for his antics on the football pitch, but also for his sarcastic statements and actions off the pitch. And while the world is talking about 50 shades of gray, Ibra, who as the Almighty does not like the situation, took matters into his own hands and shifted the debate to the shades that really count, on 50 temporary tattoos, the names of starving people, symbolizing 805 million hungry people around the world.
Surfing or "surfing" has never been so easy. We don't need any more strong waves, just a Lampuga "surfboard". Thanks to the electric motor, even an average surfer can enjoy the sea waves.
The Snolo Scion is a sled for adults. Leave the snowboards and classic sleds to the kids. It is quite enough for them to go down the hill. Snolo Scion turns sledding into a wild ride, where adrenaline spurts to all ends, just like snow under a sled. How could you not, when they were inspired by motorcycles and Formula 1. They are currently on Kicstarter, so if they are successful, you will be able to try them next winter.
Airboard is an inflatable cushion made of durable rubber material that offers something between classic sledding and bodyboarding, with the difference that instead of seawater, the latter "sprays" snow in your face. Similar to snowkiting, airboarding is a fairly new sport, but due to the lightness, comfort and affordability of the airboard, it sticks as well as snow on the road when the temperature is below freezing. It is suitable for children and adults.
Tina Maze also writes a Slovenian skiing fairy tale at the 2015 Alpine Skiing World Championships in Vail and Beaver Creek, which, with exceptional success, quickly got "translations" into many foreign languages (read the media). It was clear that the exceptionalism of Tina Maze, which she is showing again these days beyond the puddle, was not only widely reported by the domestic media, because such impressive successes cannot go unnoticed, even if we are talking about America, which alpine skiing not overly interested.
This year's winter is perfect for snowkiting or kitesurfing in the snow, as the abundant snowfalls are wind in his sails. Or better, wind in a kite (kite). Kiting on snow is very similar to kiting on water or land, except that instead of a waterboard or skateboards, we use snowboards or skis. And it's okay if this is news to you. There are also courses available for this, which will ensure that you quickly master this interesting sport discipline.
A sled under your arm? Yes, Folding Sleds are exactly that. Collapsible sleds that do not waste space when not in use. This is the fault of the classics, as they are quite cumbersome, which prevents many people from owning them. With the folding sled Folding Sled, these problems will no longer exist, as they are not only easy to carry and transport, there will also be no more problems with storage, as they do not require special leave when they are not in use. Now you no longer have the excuse that your child can't go sledding because you don't have enough space for them at home. You can find them on Kickstarte, where they are raising initial capital.
Nika Barić is among women's basketball players what Marko Milič is among men, as she was the first Slovenian to break into the strongest basketball league in the world, the WNBA, the women's version of the NBA. Namely, she signed a contract with one of the strongest American teams, the Minnesota Lynx (champions in 2001 and 2013), after they selected her as the 20th overall pick in the 2012 draft.
No, it's not a slip in the title. Snow volleyball has been diligently building on its popularity for the past 15 years, and the snowball of supporters has been increasing in recent years, including those from Slovenia. So this year, during the winter holidays 2015, a recreational tournament awaits us, this time under the name Sberbank Snow Volley 2015, which will take place on February 21 under the auspices of the Extrem agency and the Volleyball Federation of Slovenia, which already curtailed the summer volleyball spectacle in Ljubljana. the ski slope of the Kranjsko Gora ski resort.
Tina Maze heads to the World Alpine Skiing Championships in Vail and Beever Creek as the defending super giant slalom champion and the leading skier in the World Cup, with an incredible 11,198 points to her credit to date. And since we know that sport consists of victories and defeats and that no victory is given, let alone taken for granted, the achievements of Tina Maze, who would have had a hard time choosing tougher competitors in her career, are all the greater. Therefore, let's once again relive all her victories and at the same time wish for new ones. Already at the SP in Vail and Beaver Creek 2015.