We have compiled a list of intimate things that will greatly enrich your relationship and take it to a different level. With them, you will get closer and expand your horizons of intimacy. We know you haven't tried most of them yet!
A new survey by Lelo, a company known for making sexual accessories, reveals which professions are most involved in bed games. Is yours among them?
But the truth is that we are all bloody under the skin and we don't need to be perfect. So it's about time we stopped judging ourselves for the following 12 things.
How to recognize your own masks and the masks worn by other people? We can learn this with the help of Liz Burbo's psychological test.
Not quite sure what's right? You used to sleep naked, but today pajamas are a mandatory part of your sleeping ritual. Which is healthier remains a subject of heated debate. We've put together a list of basic things you need to know if you sleep naked.
Do you think your relationship is going in the right direction? Look at these clear signs that show whether you are getting married soon?!
According to dating website statistics, these are the 7 most common professions of men who cheat.
Does sex make us smarter? Yes please. So if you'd like to be smarter, forget solving crosswords and trying to become a sudoku master, but instead jump between the sheets with your partner. A bit of a joke and a bit of truth, research on the positive effects of sex on our body is exciting again with new findings, this time on its effects on our brain.
Romantic relationships are one of the most important relationships in our lives. We intend to spend the most time with this person, maybe even start a family with them and move to a house by the sea, somewhere in warm places, in our old age. There is still a long way to go, but if a person has the potential for a long-term future with us, we can see it already in the first year of living together.
Dating sites. A word that can awaken different feelings in an individual - from mortal nervousness to a feeling of great enthusiasm. Of course, the most stressful are the first contacts, be it through messages, a phone conversation or during a live meeting. Today, when our smart devices are almost extensions of our bodies and when we can get to know people before we see them through dating apps, it seems that opportunities to find your soulmate are at every turn. But do we know how to use them properly?
The actions we take unintentionally are usually the ones that break our relationship!
Although your partner is the most important person in your life, you must love yourself first. Only then will you be able to truly love him too. And if you succeed in this, you will also know where to set the limit and it will be clear to you what you MUST NOT do just for his sake!