These are the main mistakes that will make you never achieve a relationship with a man you are attracted to.
Most women live in the delusion that love will happen by itself. No, love will happen when you give someone who is trying to win your heart a chance, and then you give yourself a chance to love that person.
To avoid an argument, we have prepared for you 5 questions to avoid!
A complicated woman is not for every man, as she can scare even the strongest alpha male with her sharpness - she is like a magnet for those who appreciate theoretical conversations, thoughtful discussions and witty arguments.
How do you know you're in the right relationship? Relationship scientist Gary Lewandowski has the answer!
For some couples, getting engaged is the next logical step in a relationship – they've been together for a while, love each other, respect each other and plan a future together. Why not get married?
Even though you love each other, certain actions and behaviors from both sides can start your relationship and force you to end the relationship. What won't a woman tolerate?
Both partners are to blame for the breakup of the relationship, but you have to admit that men are more likely to make mistakes that destroy their relationship.
Which signs are really unlucky in love?
How many times have you found yourself in a situation, be it a romantic, family or friendship relationship, where you felt like the person didn't love you enough, despite constantly assuring you otherwise? Then where does this feeling come from? Relationships are not and will never be easy. They involve a whole lot of anticipation and the merging of two different stories that sometimes stumble over each other. However, in the end, what matters most is how you feel about the relationship. Sometimes it's not enough that a person loves you, it's important that they show it to you.
Partners who say these words to each other do not realize that they are slowly destroying their relationship. Because these are extremely powerful weapons!
Even when the decision to end a relationship is ours, it can quite rightly break our hearts. However, there is an important difference between mourning and regret – while the former is difficult to avoid, the latter can be protected to a certain extent by taking appropriate steps. Do you know that this is how you can end a relationship without (ob)grieving?