No marriage is perfect, as the Beckhams proved in the recent series. And what is their advice for a happy marriage?
Getting into a new relationship brings excitement, but what happens when our friends don't share our excitement for the one we've chosen? How to recognize silent signs of discomfort or discord between your partner and longtime friends? These are signs that friends do not like their partner.
Have you ever wondered if the statement, "I can't live without you!" really an expression of love or just a sign of insecurity?
Is our love capable of accepting a partner in all its dimensions? How important is acceptance in a partnership? Why are you with your partner?
Difficulties that we do not process throughout life can also result in relationship problems.
How to find true love in the world of Tinder and other speed dating apps? With these tips, you can succeed.
In the love and sex lives of individuals, the number of previous sexual partners is often a subject of interest and conversation. With different social norms and personal preferences, the ideal number of sexual partners varies from person to person. But what does research say about how the number of sexual partners we have affects our relationships and attraction? Social expectations and personal perception play a key role in shaping our opinions about what the "right" number of sexual partners is. Recent research reveals different perspectives on this topic, offering interesting insights into how the number of sexual partners affects our relationships.
Do you also think that these myths about sexuality are true?! Check out what's true…
Infidelity is a subject that cuts into the heart of anyone who has ever experienced love. Whether you've been cheated on before or you fear that it might happen in the future, it's important to know the signs that your partner might be cheating on you. Sometimes love is blind, but that doesn't mean you have to be blind to red flags.
What is it that attracts men to women? Is it really just looks or is there something deeper, something that goes beyond physical attraction? Let's find out what kind of woman men can't resist!
Have you ever wondered which food is best suited to restore energy after a passionate encounter between the sheets? Well, scientists have finally tackled this question and the results are definitely delicious. New research has revealed the best foods to eat after sex, so that our body regenerates quickly and is ready for new adventures.
A kiss is an intimate expression of feelings, a touch that says more than a thousand words. But have you ever wondered why some kisses are so gentle and others are full of passion? How do individual astrological signs kiss?