You are most likely unaware that you are dealing with a manipulator in your life! You think he's the perfect person for you until...
Do you realize that you are not out of love and that it is just simple lust? Recognize true love and avoid disappointment!
Relationships aren't always shiny and rainbows. They can go through difficult situations and difficult times. However, it is important to recognize when your relationship is in serious crisis.
Are you tired of looking for advice that never hits the spot? Look no further. Here's the best relationship advice.
Relationships are complex and require effort, commitment and communication from both parties to succeed. However, sometimes we may not be aware of our own negative behaviors that can affect our relationships. Being a toxic person in a relationship can be harmful to both you and your partner, leading to conflict, mistrust and even breakups.
What does your mother-in-law think of you? The next time you cringe at her words, think about these ten things she'd like to but won't tell you.
Have you ever felt like your relationship needs a little freshening up? What if we told you that with a few simple steps you can improve and make your relationship even more loving and satisfying?
Discover the allure of modern sex parties, learn the ins and outs of proper etiquette, and discover how to create memorable and safe group sex experiences. Sex parties are back in fashion and a sexual revolution is happening.
It takes time to get over a breakup, but eventually the pain fades and you begin to heal. There are some unmistakable signs that you are truly over your ex. From no longer stalking their social media profiles to being happy for them when they find someone new, read on to discover five signs that you've moved on from your past love.
A self-proclaimed professional lover who exclusively dates married men shares her tips on how to prevent your partner from seeking an affair. He claims that fulfilling a partner's sexual fantasies is the key to their fidelity.
Do you have memories of a time when you were trapped in a relationship with someone who was obsessed with their own ego, who wouldn't hear you when you talked about your feelings, and who used you for their own interests? We're talking about a narcissist. Have you been emotionally drained, wounded and maybe even broken?
Men and serious relationships - when will these two things finally harmonize? Despite the fact that many men decide to enter into a serious relationship, there are still those who run away from it like a monster. Why? The possibilities are endless from the fear of losing your freedom to the simple desire to keep your life free of obligations. So why do some men run away from a serious relationship?