Those who suffer from nightmares have a nightmare disorder, and the result can be fatigue and an inability to function normally during the day. Fortunately, there are ways you can fight nightmares and they are very simple.
Vegetables should be washed before consumption. Is it enough to just wash it under running water or is it good to soak it in it?
Quick thinking and a cold compress are the keys to success in early stage and immediate post-injury treatment. What to do if the pain persists? Do we cool or heat the injury site?
Snoring is a very common problem that affects both men and women. This disturbing sound can disturb your sleep, as well as the sleep of your partner or family members.
Head lice, or hair lice, are small wingless insects that live on the scalp and feed on human blood. They are a common problem, especially among school-aged children, and are difficult to get rid of. Here are some methods to effectively remove head lice:
You might be that rare bird who gets up without an alarm as soon as the first ray of sunlight shines, but most still have trouble waking up early. If you too are suffering from this problem and want to finally solve it, here are some tricks that will help you wake up without any problems.
Alcohol hangover is a common problem faced by many people who consume alcohol. It is characterized by a group of unpleasant symptoms that may include headache, nausea, thirst and fatigue. These symptoms appear as a result of the body's reaction to the toxins produced by the breakdown of alcohol in the body. Although there is no specific cure for a hangover, there are things a person suffering from these symptoms can do to alleviate the symptoms and feel better afterwards.
We can all agree on how important memory is - not only does a good memory help us with work challenges, but it also makes our daily tasks easier - we won't waste time trying to figure out where we forgot our keys, put down our phone or parked our car. Research shows that our memory begins to decline after the age of 30, but there are also exercises and habits that can help us preserve it. We have prepared 6 ways for you to preserve a good memory.
Cold season is already in full swing, and with it comes many symptoms, such as a sore throat, headache, as well as the most disturbing - a stuffy nose.
Today we want to have everything in electric form. Even with basic things like oral hygiene. Is that really better? What to choose? Electric or manual toothbrush? Which electric one? A flood of products and information that only confuses the customer, but we all want only one thing: to have beautiful, clean teeth and healthy gums.
We can all agree on how important it is to brush and floss your teeth - this way you can prevent caries and dental plaque. But you may not know that it is also important when exactly you brush your teeth: whether it is as soon as you wake up or only after the first meal. We asked what the experts think about it: is it more advisable to brush your teeth before or after breakfast?
Yoga is far from being reserved for adults only, check out why you should also introduce it to the youngest.