When the body resists "abusing" itself, burnout occurs! Burnout is a state of psychophysical and emotional exhaustion that occurs after several years of exhausting the organism. Such a person no longer has the right energy, it is difficult to stay awake and cannot concentrate, but that is not all.
A lifestyle that is fast-paced and filled with many obligations can take a heavy toll all too quickly. That is why it is extremely important not to put your health on the sidelines, i.e. eat quality food, try to reduce stress, and make sure you get enough sleep. But what to do in the weeks when this is not possible? That's when your best bet is to take 15 minutes to rest in the afternoon.
Omicron symptoms - what are they?! One of the symptoms is now largely associated with Omicron infections and could easily be mistaken for viral infections common in the winter season. So be careful!
Have you suddenly gained weight? And the kilos just don't want to disappear? Have you stepped into your forties? After the age of forty, your metabolism slows down significantly, if you have started to put on weight, the reason may be a slowed metabolism, but also genetics or lifestyle.
Wondering why the virus variant was named Omicron? When was the Omicron variant first discovered? Where did the Omicron version come from? Why are scientists upset and very concerned about the Omicron version? How do they know which version is more portable? And why are they worried that she is more mortal.
Men are known to wail like it's the end of the world at the slightest cold. Apparently, they get colds more often than women, so they suffer more when they have a cold. However, is it really so? We will explain to you what is actually behind the myth of the male cold and why they often suffer from its symptoms.
Unfortunately, the coronavirus epidemic has made it difficult to access specialist health services, and despite all the measures, more and more people are finding it difficult to get to their personal doctor. In response to the new situation in health care, Vzajemna, the guardian of health, has prepared a new E-doctor insurance, which allows policyholders quick access to a general practitioner or family doctor remotely.
The word flexitarianism is a derivative of two words, flexibility and vegetarianism. It is a principle of eating, in which the individual adheres to vegetarian rules most of the time, but occasionally reaches for meat goodness.
Insomnia is a problem that many people face and it has consequences for the human brain, weight and immune system. Every third person suffers from poor sleep, and everyday stress and workload are often to blame. Poor sleep puts you at risk for a variety of health conditions, including obesity, coronary heart disease and diabetes, and shortens life expectancy. It is clear that a good night's sleep is essential for a long and healthy life. We reveal to you the consequences of poor sleep.
A sore throat is a common occurrence on cold days. The most common causes are colds, excessive strain on the vocal cords or the dry air we are exposed to in winter due to overheating. Instead of artificial preparations and medicines, we offer you several natural methods with which you can soothe a sore and inflamed throat in a healthy and easy way.
Stop! Stop it. You need rest, both physically and mentally!
Did you know that sleep prolongs life and reduces appetite for 45%?